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Wait a minute. Russia is actually banned from the olympic games?

You absolute insane maniacs. How could you be so petty and childish as to defecate on the old myth of holy Olympics games that allowed nations to get over petty wars?

This was the ONE PLACE where you literally had the obligation to show the good will you bastards.

Why did I go to Twitter again???
Why do I torture myself?

There's a guy complaining, that the father isn't treating his daughter the same way, as he does his son.

Já ty zkurvené 'Piráty tolik nenávidím. To opravdu un nežijí pro nic jiného než pro radost z toho ničit lidem život?

Ani zkurvený alkohol nechtějí lidem nechat.

Yeah... Well, it is true, that I made several posts about the retardation that is kcal unit, and I do in fact hate the excuse of "we didn't want to confuse teh plebs"

But on the other hand, I did confuse the living shit out of some people for saying, that speed of light is 300Mm/s. These people were seriously telling me, that Mm/s is not a fucking unit, so MAYBEEEEEE, there might be some point to the original excuse.

@veff @LukeAlmighty Hahahahahhahahhahaha. More conscientious. Lollol. Tl:dr

The one coin is to trick jews, the cart is worth more in steel.

@yindrik @LukeAlmighty Povoláváky měli rozesílat hned po prezidentské volbě. Díky bohům za nefunkční Českou poštu!

BTW, I never thought I will be posting about a dress code, but FFS, I have spend last 2 years learning to sew, only to see this as our official outfit -_-

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It's so weird, that I don't even hear about the olympic games at all with the excaption of the drama.
But, considering, that the ceremony is literally a declaration of war towards a civilized world, I am not even surprised. It's just so sad to see the jews attack even some of the oldest of traditions we have. Olympic games have a potential to be so much more, then just another coke advert.

Microsoft windows is an OS so advanced, it won't even let me switch display, before I log in. -_-

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