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the gop still doesn't understand their own emphasis on individualism is what killed the american dream. over the past 60 years, they've promised to try to bring us back to the "good old days" in the 50's while simultaneously stripping the dignity from anyone who would dare to make a career out of the jobs 95% of people in the 50's worked.
the root cause of this is the complete destruction of the meaning of life via hyperindividualism. perfect example: people nowadays act like meaning is this nonexistent or untouchable dream, a mythical thing that doesn't actually exist. this is false, it was a solved issue until we decided to abandon all of the wisdom of our elders during the enlightenment. throughout all of recorded history meaning was found through carrying your name on to the next generation, serving one's community and nation, and growing closer to your God(s). individualism has completely destroyed all of these ideals, leaving earthly methods of achieving glory and bettering one's own name as the only possible choice for meaning today. let this play out over 60 years and you wind up with a society that has no collective goals, no social cohesion, and no definition of meaning and a population that devalues and refuses to consider working an "entry level job" as a career option.
goth girl for your time.

And before you ask, it is literally under a manospheare video. So, no... It's not because of the context.

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Everyone keeps complaining about how insane the online advertising is, meanwhile, I am here, getting tampon ads.

KDE connect might actually be my new favorite program :D

Americans will never understand, that they created the most hilarious movie name in the history of this planet.

If I died today, all the people around me would remember me as a lonely weirdo....

But, if I went on a killing spree, news would report, that I was the quiet kind kid, just like any other and that there were no signs...

Rent is expensive, we cannot handle immigration and our healthcare is collapsing. Please, help us.

Pirate party:

What? They are putting entire 2h porn vids on Twitter now? :MonkaChrist:

Debatní deník on consent 

> Consent cannot always be valid. For instance, if you're retarded or in love.

Bruh just seriously said, that it should be illegal to have sex or even marry a person you love, because your brain is whacked on chemicals... This is what feminist logic does to your IQ -_-

I had an enormous pause in my gym routine, so let's hope I can manage to hop in again...

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Game Liberty Mastodon

Mainly gaming/nerd instance for people who value free speech. Everyone is welcome.