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Cunt I just want to use the wifi in your giant Faraday cage

Ochrana dětí před propagací LGBT.

A tak mi sakra řekněte, koho v tom bordelu mám volit?

while everyone is busy shoving their own dick up their ass for their five seconds of pleasure before their cock prices plummet, valve is actually releasing and improving features. you love to see it.

steam families are now way easier to set up and let you play games even if someone in your family is accessing one of yours. massive steam W. i don't think i've ever seen digital game sharing be this easy.

the Hatians call the EBT cards "magic money cards" because they never run out. They got around 3K a month EBT on top of what they make at whatever factory job.

Keep in mind they also have free housing and healthcare.

I am seriously considering ripping off the door bell wires atm...

Seriously, if you do not have my phone number, you should not be crossing the doors anyway.

Schizo post 

Trump planned on getting his ear pieced, so he has a place to hide a headphone for the debates...

:poogers: And now.... Let's see internet lose it's mind.

If you're looking for an anti-SJW gaming JewTuber besides Synthetic Man, this guy called AndyPants Gaming seems pretty promising:
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Game Liberty Mastodon

Mainly gaming/nerd instance for people who value free speech. Everyone is welcome.