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Today is such a great day.
While ordering food, I had to say "co doporučujete?" only 7 times to complete my order.

And obviously.... a locked thread is immediately followed by creation of a new one, that will be there for weeks, until someone else takes it seriously.

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I seriously love Steam forums.
There can be PAGES of people throwing insults at each other over political topics, but as soon as one of them starts taking the converstation seriously enough to write their opinion honestly, they lock up the thread saying, that it devolved to no longer productive conversation.

Factory must grow!!!

Factory must grow!!!

Factory must grow!!!

Factory must grow!!!

Factory must grow!!!

Factory must grow!!!

Factory must grow!!!

Factory must grow!!!

I don't say this often enough, but FUCK OFF!!! This is actually insulting to the people suffering to survive.

Přestože Twitter je stále nepoužitelný, obsahuje horu takto dokonalé komedie.

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Game Liberty Mastodon

Mainly gaming/nerd instance for people who value free speech. Everyone is welcome.