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Finally remembered, where I saved this bad boy.

And I cannot believe, just how big of a difference this edit makes. At least to me, it seems, that this was the original intent, before some programmer didn't understand the task properly.

A friendly reminder, that if you're thinking of releasing pets into the wild.... Just don't.

People are seriously retarded.

Someone posted the dumb old question of "what gaming world would you want to live in?" And people are unironically posting:
BOTW Hirule (So, a world going thourh a cataclism, attacked by demon controled robots, with destroyed government and infrastructure.)

World of warcraft (That shit is going through DECADES of war by now. And not just any war, but war using weapons beyond my comprehension. No, thanks. I don't want to be eaten by undead spider)

Just... No!!!

I hate, when games have way too much endgame shit.

I tried reinstalling MGS5. It is a great stealth game, but what the hell have I returned to? 900 soldiers at my base? Research still complete from about 1/3rd? 50% total completion?

Most of that remaining 50 percent would be grind and repetitive shit, so obviously, the best idea would be to delete the save and enjoy the base game again, but I cannot do that, when I still haven't touched so much research -_-

Am I the only one, who hates this? Is it weird?

Fuck calories and Kcals. You assholes couldn't behave and had to make shit confusing. In HEALTH FFS!!! The one field, where dumb people like me cannot afford to figure out what the fuck you meant.

I want all my food rated in joules now.

Reminder that She is secretly Yandere and She will fucking kill You if You ever try to cheat. (Space Colonizing) And You would deserve it. Earth is ours, we are hers.

@LukeAlmighty i had a mario maker limited edition rubik's cube, with pictures on each side. i scrambled it because i figured, hey, i can learn how to unfuck it probably.

turns out picture cubes are WAY harder than color ones.... can't fix it. too dumb.

I love my rubic's cube
It's so beautiful. And if I never even touch it, it can stay unbroken forever. :D

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Game Liberty Mastodon

Mainly gaming/nerd instance for people who value free speech. Everyone is welcome.