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It's insane to see some feltist actually complain about the carbon capture technologies.

Yes, they are still at it's infancy, but net 0 is literally impossible without them, and restarting civilization after net 0 will still demand them.

Holywood just spend $100 mil on a romance movie between a 39 and a 43 year old.

I don't think these people are human anymore, if they believe, that it's an acceptable range for a romance movie.

So, let's start again. It's a romance movie. Primary audience will be older women. What do women love the most? >>Space technology<<

WHAT???? Ok, we're still quite off. Just add a commedy to the mix, this cannot fail anyway.

Yeah, and make sure, that there is not a single sign of the commedy on the poster. Nah, make the poster look like a serious DRAMA!!!

I don't care I've seen this video 20 times before. It's still the funniest shit I've ever seen.

BREAKING: :alert: :alert: :alert:

Per the Butler Police Department the Trump shooter has been arrested at the scene and has been identified as Sam Hyde, an Antifa member.

Prior to the shooting Sam Hyde uploaded a video on YouTube claiming "justice is coming".
@sickburnbro @Terry I mean, there will be a point where normies realize that there is something wrong here, right?

One side burns down cities, one side responds to anything with violence, one side tries to murder their political opposition. And the other side is the "extremist" one.
A photographer captured the bullet that hit Trump's ear, had he not turned his head, he probably would be dead right now
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