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So, this game managed to show a transparent fabric without excessive dithering?

HOW? I thought that was impossible these days.

MH lore:
It's important to study and protect nature with it's intricate balance. But, thanks to the power of friendship, we can save the planet.

MH Gameplay:
Kill monsters. Behead Pukei-pukei. Roundhouse kick a Barroth into the concrete. Slam dunk a Deviljho baby into the trashcan. Crucify filthy Rathalos. Defecate in a Kulu-ya-ku food. Launch Zorah magdalos into the sun. Stir fry Jagras in a wok. Toss Tobi-Kadachi into active volcanoes. Urinate into a Odogaron gas tank. Judo throw Gajau into a wood chipper. Twist Diabolos heads off. Report Vespoid to the IRS. Karate chop Behemoth in half. Curb stomp pregnant Xemp'jiva. Trap Teostra in quicksand. Crush Vaal Hazak in the trash compactor. Liquefy Nergigante in a vat of acid. Eat Lunastra. Dissect Kushala Dora. Exterminate Kirin in the gas chamber. Stomp Noios skulls with steel toed boots. Cremate Teostra in the oven. Lobotomize Vespoid. Mandatory abortions for Bazelheuse. Grind Rathian fetuses in the garbage disposal. Drown Paolumu in fried chicken grease. Vaporize Diabolos with a ray gun. Kick old Gajau down the stairs. Feed Shamos to alligators. Slice Radobaan with a katana

The Boondocks aged not just as a fine wine, but as the highest grade 20 y/o Armenian cognac

I think it's the first time the series make me laugh my ass off just to instantly go full :deadInside: as soon as the credits stop rolling

Getting back into MH world.
This time to play the way God intended. With a Greatsworld.

If you're trans, I have a message for you: you're the reason Trump won.

If the Democrats had just stuck with pandering to racial minorities and pushing statist economic policies based on envy, they'd have a solid leftist majority in place that would have enabled them to keep cruising to wins in presidential elections, Obama-style.

But they just HAD to include hideous, disgusting subhumans that nobody likes in their new coalition, and openly enable and defend their delusions and outright evil behavior. They just had to include YOU.

Every normal, decent person finds trannies revolting, and think you're crazy and/or retarded. Democrats can't effectively call out Trump for lying, as long as they keep saying that MtF trannies are Women. Democrats can't effectively label Trump an extremist, as long as they support completely reinventing the way people speak, and understand concepts like "gender", just to appease a tiny group of child-molesting lunatics.

When people say they hate "Wokeness", that's code for saying that they hate trannies. When people say they find Kamala too liberal, it's her support for Trans Rights they have in mind. Trannies lost Kamala Harris this election. If you're a tranny, you need to either detransition or commit suicide, unless you want Project 2025 and more to become reality.

#Trans #Transgender #LGBT #LGBTQ #TransRights #TransJoy #30daymapchallenge #aiart #assfuck #bigdick #bigpenis #brazilgp #bukkake #cum #dick #distractodon #eevee #electionday2024 #electionnight #engenderedwriting #facefuck #fap #fapping #gbbo #hugedick #hugepenis #kreativember #meermittwoch #musicwomenwednesday #paiporta #penis #pixelmator #pokemon #pokephilia #pokeporn #quincyjones #resist #sylveon #trumpisacunt #tvmysteries #unsolvedmysteries #usaelection2024 #usaelections2024 #weavile #yiff #いいおなかの日 #いい村上さんの日 #いかのおすしでどんな人間かわかる #これを見た人は赤が入ってる画像を貼れ #さつまいもタイム #俺が好きな人は静かにリアをして #俺は砂糖対応塩対応どっちだとおもう #嘘をつこう #授業中の過ごし方 #方言でだからダメって言ったでしょ #特に理由はないですがこのハッシュタグつけてなにか投稿してくれませんか #画像ファイルから5番目はあなたを将来救ってくれる神様 #私は砂糖対応塩対応どっちだとおもう #自己紹介から興味を持ったり繋がれたら良いなぁと思うタグ #見た人は必ず性癖を1つ絶対暴露する #誕生日同じ人を探そう

I am so lost at the modern gaming.
If this can Run on Switch, look great, have no LOD jumps etc, where is the issue comming from with most games? Shouldn't graphics be seen as a solved issue?

I know, that this question is posed in a retarded way, but it is still quite serious.

> You must stop the polarization before people start fighting
> Muh Trummp tried to steal the election

Well, that's quite a jump in logic, if you ask me....

Lol, Trump has a smaller gender gap amongst voters than in previous elections despite all the celebrity endorsements and appointing judges that got Roe v Wade rescinded.

While listening to the podcasts on the election, it does seem, that there is a weird disonance between understanding the legal system.

Some people believve, that a law has inert power, that is interpreted by a judge, who then just reads it, understands it and makes a ruling.

On the other hand, there are people who believe, that a law is written as a sentence, that a judge has the inert power to interpret and decide what the correct ruling is.

And I am not comfortable with this gap in understanding.

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Game Liberty Mastodon

Mainly gaming/nerd instance for people who value free speech. Everyone is welcome.