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Riot caught the mind virus years ago. League and the correct version of Ekko basically got radiation poisoning: It's still walking but every cell within is irreparably damaged.

So, at some point in the near future, with *maybe* a month or two of warning, Ekko will go away. Riot will shoot him in the face, throw him in a dumpster, and unpack from a crate, a replacement with everything unique and interesting about him gutted out and removed to appeal to "modern audiences"

And those audiences will consider me to be the irredeemable asshole for mourning the loss of my baby boy

got recommended yet another 'dophamine detox' type of video and the retard there is talking about the downfall of not having extracurricular activities in college heavily implying that ppl are getting dopamine poisoned and becoming NEETs because they chose to spend their free time playing videogames instead of doing some unpaid internship 💀
the thought about college being hard and exhausting as is (plus being a scam) didn't even cross his head
i hate protestant work ethic preachers

> Vážený pane, já netlumočím své názory, já tlumočím fakta. Vy máte právo na názor, ale fakta jsou jenom jedny. A ty jsou takový, že nadnárodní a světový zdravotnický organizace jako je WHO a UNESCO jednoznačně doporučili absolutní zákaz všech mobilních telefonů ve všech školách.

Doporučení je definice názoru ty absolutní kreténe. Toto jsou opravdu naše elitní mozky? Takto vnímají vědecké vzdělání naši všemocní boomeři?

I find it hilarious lately to watch Vaush play both sides.

Because, while other centrists do it by saying things like: Both sides have beliefs and problems... Vaush decided to go the other route. He supposes all of his claims on assumption, that "All men and republicans are immoral monsters that want to rape women and mass murder immigrants because it's fun", And then follows it by "because they are slightly misinformed, and maube, we shouldn't call them that outloud".

Bruh... It's such a whiplash to see him jump from the most extreme left to "but we can be human about it".

Well, at least it finally does feel like I am alive a little.

Not too much. Definitely not enough to be happy, but enough to know things are getting better.

Art bt miura-n315

That mobile hame even seems to be MORE OPEN WORLD.

That's just ridiculous.

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That's just unfair
First, they make a PC MH game using rhe modern blur pipeline, and then, they anounce a mobile game, that ACTUALLY LOOKS GOOD?

Why do PC gamers always get so much abuse?

Hey looks like I'm back to flyin gundams again

(premature post and don't want to get the fam's hopes up but this place doesn't count)

Pure simping cringe 

It's seriously unfair how beautiful Emiru is :ablobmeltsoblove:
I cannot even watch her videos, because it would break me.

This trend of anime sites treating each new season of an anime as its own separate anime series is fucking cancer and should never have become a thing.

Say what you want about One Piece, but having 1100+ episodes gathered together on a single page is obviously way better and more convenient than the shit newer series are pulling.
So Republicans did end up winning that one contested Pennsylvania Senate election and reach 53 Senate seats, but not before the Democrats openly tried to Steal it:

>During the initial counting of votes, various Pennsylvania Democrats voted to illegally count mail-in ballots that had been thrown out due to missing or incorrect dates, something that is a disqualifier according to Pennsylvania state law. While some lower courts have deemed this rule illegal, it was upheld by the Pennsylvania Supreme Court on November 1, alongside a decision allowing provisional ballots with the same issues to be counted. This was admitted by some officials, with Bucks County elections commissioner Diane-Ellis Marseglia stating that “people violate laws anytime they want. So, for me, if I violate this law, it’s because I want a court to pay attention." Following the decision by certain Democratic-controlled elections boards to continue counting invalid ballots

Gee, I wonder why those crazy conspiracy theorists think some of 2020 Biden's 81 million votes might have been illegitimate...

> Axiety exists for a reason. It's actually adaptive. A little axiety and a bad memory? That's not only a part of life, but it can have a positive effect. It for example helps with performance. If I wasn't nervous, I wouldn't have prepared for this interview.
- Abigail Shrier on JRE

Bruh... This is why I hate shrinks. Joe talks about bullying and life long effects it has on people, and this bitch compares it to slight shake before a public performence. I hate these people so deeply. This is what "disorder" language does to your empathy.

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