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Cannot wait for War Thunder to add sr-73, only so some idiot at skunkworks can finally leak a proof of it's existence.

For once, the shitlibs weren’t just crying wolf: Drama Queen is pretty much everything they accuse it of being, and it’s GLORIOUS. Here are some examples of just how spicy this manga is:

- a Great Replacement is depicted in all its soul-crushing, alienating misery: the Japanese are being rapidly crowded out and Replaced by aliens, who refuse to integrate, enjoy preferential treatment, engage in shameless nepotism, dominate sports and pop culture, and subject the native Japanese people to random, senseless acts of violence. Also, they’re a total eyesore.

- pop culture has been weaponized to constantly push pro-alien brainwashing propaganda and make sure that humans Never Forget the debt they owe the aliens.

- the (very few) benefits of aliens effectively colonizing earth are constantly highlighted and exaggerated, all while life for the average human has unambiguously become worse. “…but the technology tho!” is Drama Queen’s equivalent of “but the food tho!”.

- this entire new alien-dominated world order is justified on the basis of a single event, which nobody questions, and which may in fact have been a hoax.

- free speech has been abolished in order to suppress all criticism of the aliens, leaving those who dislike them feeling alone and isolated, as well as mystified by how seemingly “everyone” is embracing the current dystopia. As such, Nomamoto finally coming across a kindred spirit who’s also willing to admit that he hates the aliens is depicted as a joyful, liberating moment.

- the fact that no case of a human killing an alien has ever been reported by the media reminds me of the obsessive censorship efforts by governments and Big Tech to suppress the video showing Tarrant’s kebab removal.

And that’s not even an exhaustive list! For this sort of content to appear in a Shonen Jump manga starring a cute girlfailure MC is truly glorious. Oh, and in case you regularly read my vidya writeups, why yes, this manga would definitely be flirting with a +4 Based Morality score based on this first chapter!

Of course, I don’t really think Drama Queen will be able to keep up this level of kino, even if it’s not outright shut down. I’m not even talking about an AoT-style story and character derailment here, it’s just rare to see modern Japanese media that starts off this strong not fall off fast. Goblin Slayer certainly didn’t manage to keep up chapter 1’s genocidal grimdark kino, and Redo of Healer also peaked very early with Flaire’s rape correction.

But even if Drama Queen falls off, even if the author is forced to ruin his story in order to atone for his crime of dropping redpills about mass immigration (the translation literally uses the term “peaceful invasion”), it has already done a great thing and improved our culture just a little bit by helping spread so many “dangerous” ideas and giving voice to the voiceless, i.e. millions of IRL Nomamotos and Kitamis.

Official ™️ Angry ™️ Kyukyoku ™️ Wraith ™️ Good ™️ Morning ™️ :blobmorning:

The Cat Empire did nothing wrong.

Universities are a money scam.

Sam Hyde is right when he says the only important thing that university teaches you is networking, and even then, it's just out of happenstance (i.e. who you make friends with on chance), and not really forcing you to learn networking as a "skill".

I once met a homeless guy who told me he studied law. Clearly he didn't "network" hard enough...

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How am I always the weirdo, when there are people like this out there?

I don't care about semantics of if she's an adult, it's a loli hentai and not ok.

>>> Semantics of if she's an adult<<<

There is so much brain rot in that sentence, I don't even know where to begin.

You can complain about AI all you want, but sometimes, it's just briliant.

I didn't think dress shirts could possibly get more sexy, and then I see this.

this OP has no idea what he's even getting into. The amount of autism in the online RW means they would appreciate real niche work more than he ever knows

I will literally write my point as a first and last sentence of my post, and some MFs still miss it. :pepeFacepalm:

@teratology @LukeAlmighty @beardalaxy @eemmaa If we did we would not be having this discussion. I really do wish Whites put ourselves first like every other group gets to do

You might be interested in this one Fedi - Anamaria Gavrilă is due to become the new face of the Romanian "far-right", as her newly established Party of Young People will make it into parliament after yesterday's election. While you'd expect a party with a name like that, and a female leader, to be totally shitlib, it's instead described as "extreme right, sovereigntist, anti-establishment, nationalist, anti-Western and populist, opposing abortion rights and promoting vaccine hesitancy".

What I personally find most interesting is that Gavrilă lived in Germany for seven years, and in the UK for eight years, before returning to Romania. It seems pretty damn obvious that the pozzed, degenerate state of the modern West was what ended up radicalizing her.
@laughingman "People on Fedi tolerate lewd cartoon characters, but draw the line at real-life child trafficking and child rape, I don't get it!" :brainlet_npc:

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