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@LadyMont It's crazy that they spend this much money and time when building one nuclear facility would be much more cost efficient and generate much more power.

Mapping in progress construction from google maps is fun.
First one was Watari Tunnel (渡島トンネル).
Here's Nifuku Tunnel (二股トンネル), Bifuka Tunnel (碧雲トンネル), Notaguchi Tunnel (野田追トンネル) and after Yakumo Tateishi Tunnel (立岩トンネル).

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>everyone has near identical multicam
>forced to use bright electrical tape armbands as identifiers to avoid friendly fire
>RTS games made a reality

Who's laughing now dad? I'm ready for the General Staff with 10,000 hours of Command & Conquer under my belt.

"The disinformation and conspiracy theories are running amok!!! Now let me talk about how liberal universalism is secretly a tool of the white patriarchy to oppress women and minorities."

I just received my facsimile copy of the Royal Armouries MS I.33 from the British museum of arms and armour in Leeds. It is one of the oldest surviving manuals on armed combat in the world, dating around the 1300s.

I.33 is also known as the Walpurgis manuscript, named after the illustrations in the treatise depicting a woman named Walpurgis demonstrating the written techniques against a priest. I plan on using this book to study and train on the use of sword & buckler.

I also committed sacrilege by putting on my book some cute I.33 stickers I got from Purpleheart Armoury when I visited them in Houston, TX :blobcat_googly_knight:

@hema @medievodons @histodons #medieval #medievalart #manuscripts #medievalmanuscripts

@Dan_Ramos good thing is that there are multiple videos debunking it and shiting on them.

On the bright side valve hires off of a very strict code that the person has to be very independent be able to work by themselves with no direction or oversight + they have to be top of their class and since most of these people are drones it's very unlikely for them to even be hired or considered.

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Game Liberty Mastodon

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