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I'm starting to notice culturally at least, in the United States there seems to be a bigger and bigger divide between people who are just NPCs and people who are free thinker, enjoyers.

I've also noticed that a large segment of the NPCs don't understand basic history in the slightest which is extremely scary to me.


Reminder that this is totally fucking normal for the stock market. Banks and other "important" people or whatever are allowed to trade before the market opens for retailers. Now they cry when the exact same thing happens to them.


How come anytime I go and watch a xxx-video online and the people are doing it in public why is it always God damn Romania or the Czech Republic???

I need to get in some practice in someone give me a idea and I'll try and make a logo out of it.

Да, лежанку нужно использовать именно так


I know this sounds really weird but does anyone know a pixel artist?

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Game Liberty Mastodon

Mainly gaming/nerd instance for people who value free speech. Everyone is welcome.