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Now that I think about it I'm essentially projecting & personifying the Reddit / nidwit, mentality into a villain.....

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I think I created the ultimate stupid and evilest villain imaginable.

A Divine Demigod who's an atheist and complete nihilist.

I think, I think like a paradox.

Okay I know that was the tongue twister but let me explain.

So antinataliem and Eflilsm is the ultimate form of deconstruction of existence. And their main point is just the mere fact of the existence of pain or suffering and how no existence guarantees that neither happens so it is there for a good and they always refer to how a child or person can't consent to being created and I is another large point.

But maybe I think weirdly but just the mere fact of existence itself is a positive to where nonexistent is a negative because experience of something is a positive. I'm not really sure how to explain it but just the idea of experiencing something opposed to not experience it at all even if it is negative experience is a positive to me I don't know maybe I'm thinking weirdly!?

I think that's also what a lot of people inherently. Because the idea of the afterlife is inherently written in the idea of experiencing more of something.

capitalism simulator but you have to keep the costco hotdog at 1$

I don't know if anyone can relate to this but I refuse to hold or participate with religious items.

The reason for this is I feel like my soul would dirty such a revenant and sacred object. I am unworthy even glancing at something so above me.

I'm a disgusting unreligious tainted soul.

There's just some kind of mental block. I just can't find any faith in any higher power even though I desperately want to.

I wish I would have been raised religious as a kid.

@Mr_NutterButter poland wanted to do something about it and the EU started screaming about how holding judges accountable is a human rights violation or whatever dumb shit europeans say

If only the Founding Fathers were more based we wouldn't be in this situation.

I've also noticed that if you believe in Antenatalism or Efilism you essentially have to be a atheist because if the mere fact of the existence of an afterlife exist then their entire ideology is destroyed because their existence would never end.

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I've been exploring the main philosophy of my villain and I actually found a expanded version of antenatalism witch is called Efilism.

Exploring this philosophy I've realized that it's not actually that extreme it's a natural conclusion that liberals and anyone left wing would come to if they're actually smart enough to go down the full path of utilitarianism. I remember watching a philosophy video and reading a paper that discussed how the left inherently views life as painful and something that needs to be fixed while the right inherently views Life as a gift and something that needs to be cherished.

I think I've come to the full conclusion that it the left and right of politics it's two fundamental beliefs on the existence of life just apply to different social issues.

incredibly lewd 

h-handholding... ​:senkoflustered:​​:neofox_blush_hide:

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