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The best way I can describe the debate with essentially if you believe general slogan earring and platitudes, she won in your mind but if you're able to detect bullshit in any single capacity or use any critical thinking clearly Trump won, but you could tell he lost a little bit of his composure in the very last question.

However his final statement with probably his strongest because he essentially called her bullshit out and said that she can fix anything if she goes to DC right now but she doesn't and she couldn't respond to it because he got the last word in before the event shut down.

i saw a boomer wearing this shirt the other day and as boomery as it is i still think it's pretty badass lol

Not even political. Just objective. I can't even focus on a single word she's saying. My brain's just like "AAAaaagh stop making those noises with your mouth!! It's puncturing my frontal lobe!! Make it stop! Why isnt she stopping?!! Aaaaaaghh"

After all these years.

One of the few pieces of knowledge I still consider to be very enlightening is the phrase.

"As above, so below; so above"

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Game Liberty Mastodon

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