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Had a dream that I gave my hard drives a bath... literally dunked a dozen HDDs in a tub full of water. A few 2.5" ones somehow had a translucent case, and I could see them being half-filled with water.

What the hell was my brain thinking?! I don't even know if I can call this a dream or a nightmare. The whole thing was definitely shocking enough that, half-way through the dream, my brain realized "what the hell did I just do!". The rest of the dream was me trying to calculate what are the odds that if I let them dry out, that they'll work again.

All I can say is, I've never woken up and be more thankful that it was just a dream.

@Curvin I've seen only a handful of clips of her, but every time it's an example of her being dreadful at it.

@j @sun
Moral of the story: don't touch grass. Weird shit happens.

@j Wasn't there a Man In Black joke about an alien who had testicles in his chin? This reminds me of that.

>God's voice came from a burning bush
Ironic, since if your bush gets burned, all you'll be left with is apparently "pedo" material.

@grizzlywhisker @j
No. Studies have shown boobs sag more with age when women wear bras than when they don't.

When your body notices it doesn't have to put in the work to keep it working well (because of outside intervention) then it stops doing it. That's why your body stops producing testosterone if you start getting it by other means, or a woman's body doesn't bother strengthening the tissue that keeps boobs firm when they wear bras.

@NirtyDigger @plotinusgroyper
We literally have the word "slave" from slavs. They're the original niggers.

While I agree that some of those examples this person had to deal with should be taken more seriously, "Deny, Defend, Depose" is now directly linked to the idea of assassinating someone. A bit more serious than being harassed by someone screaming at you.
It's like comparing someone threatening to key your car, to someone shouting "Heil Hitler" next to you. A phrase directly linked to a genocide draws a bit more attention for me.

@j @PurpCat @beardalaxy @s8n
Nobody has the resources to keep YouTube going. Doesn't help that the platform is a mess. Everybody complains how much disk space the video content uploaded to YouTube costs, but at the same time YT offers a shitload of codecs and encode qualities for video and audio.

Streaming on YT is probably a disaster for them. Everything gets re-encoded several times over. You get one realtime transcode to h264 during streaming, and then once finished it gets reencoded again to h264, then to vp9, and maybe even av1. With resolutions from 1080p down to 144p.
YouTube's inefficiency drives me up the walls every time I think about it. If you want to see me rage, just mention "YouTube codecs". Heck, just mention YouTube...

@s8n @JustinCody @j
Question: my general understanding was that pretty much every project/site under Alphabet isn't profitable on its own, and that the entire thing only stays afloat because AdSense can make money from the collective data you share with the entire ecosystem as a whole. Fragment the ecosystem, and the data that can be collected becomes fragmented and worth less to advertisers.

So is there any part of Alphabet that could be chopped off as a result of an antitrust lawsuit? (without dooming it or Alphabet to financial collapse).

If the watermark is small enough, you might foil it with just adding a smidgen of blur over the entire image. For now, we won't know until this starts getting adopted by devs, and leaks start coming out. Then we can start analyzing the footage for what actually gets inserted into the frames.
For all we know for now, Denuvo could be lying out of their asses, and just rely on people blindly believing them, and being afraid to leak anymore.

At least he is lucid enough to be able to acknowledge that America was steeped in an "extremely left-wing environment". Most nutjobs I've seen were adamant that the Overton window was way into the right.

So obviously there's no such thing as "invisibly watermark". So then the question is, is it adding an overlay to the rendered frames, that is so subtle that it is not noticeable to the naked eye, and you need additional image manipulation tools + to know exactly where and when to look to find it? It could also be that it inserts the watermark only one frame per second. So imagine playing at 60fps and trying to spot that.

@rasterman @lethn
So firstly, I've seen people around here, on fedi, spouting that shit, people who regularly shit on Fuentes. So don't thing it's solely a groyper thing. Don't know who Keith Woods or Lucas Gage are.

Secondly, regarding Palestinians, the whole "original inhabitants who converted to Christianity" is bs simply because we know they're Islamists, not Christians. And past events concerning them has shown that they're as unfriendly to Christianity as they are to Judaism. Wherever they end up in vast numbers, they try to violently overthrow governments. They're not anyone's ally.

Saw a good analysis a while back that explains well enough that "Palestinian" is not a real historic ethnic or national identity. It was birthed after Jews returned to Israel, as a means to politically combat them establishing a state there.
The issue is, I'm pretty sure the guy who made the hour long YouTube video going over this is Israeli himself, and I know people around here wouldn't trust a Jew if he said the sky is blue.

@rasterman @lethn
I can't say I've seen anyone seeking an alliance with Muslims/Islamists, but I've seen people praising and borderline sucking Palestinian dick (metaphorically speaking) simply for killing Jews.

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