@WhiteTemplar @BigTLarrity The video is literally watermarked with her instagram tag, of course it's not
@snailenthusiast The only rom-com where I've been invested in whether they fuck was Kodomo No Jikan, and that was for a very obvious reason, AND they actually do fuck, although in a somewhat cucked manner
@moffintosh @charliebrownau @LukeAlmighty Not looking out for your own is how you get replaced by an outgroup that does
It's an immutable truth that genes are selfish. Kinship is real and it has real effects on behaviours and outcomes
The default state is racial self preference. Whites only go against this now after a century of propaganda and coercion and only as long as the social benefits outweigh the cost, which won't be true for long
@sandy "would [do]", "i wanna fuck that thing"
@LukeAlmighty She is really bad at Minesweeper
@keisuke "The Mastodon Network"
@matana @xianc78 "as he fixated on the potential fame" is what I was basically thinking of
But yeah, it's just speculation. From what I've seen fame is usually the motive for these kinds of killers, especially one's that first kill their family
@noyoushutthefuckupdad They're supposed to look and act like little girls. Anime girls, kids, and cats are cute because they have huge eyes and heads. On a scale of neoteny anime girls are higher than babies
Moeblob anime girls also have the same head and eye features from babies to adults. Yui is a highschooler but her head is the same as an elementary schooler's
(this is also why normies think it's pedo when the anime girl has booba, they're not used to it and just see a child's face)
@xianc78 The main things that drove me away from libertarianism was it's focus on money and deontology
Libertarianism and socialism are both extremely money focused. They put their prime goal as money and only disagree in how to achieve and spread it. Almost every point a socialist/libertarian makes is about how it prevents the spread of wealth
When it's not about money, it's a deontological "because I say so", with this extremely arbitrary definition of freedom that accepts acts like driving your kids into the woods to let them die (Rothbard), debt slavery, and media manipulation as free
A more minor thing is also how they can't ever admit a fault capitalism. Certain industries have extremely large networking effects that you just can't overcome with a free market. Power tends to centralise because having it means you have the will and power to gain more power
@beardalaxy @noyoushutthefuckupdad Longer, going "out of bounds" was really fun, bigger story arcs, funnier quips, more lore, more characters, bigger and more complex puzzles, Co-Op, level editor, workshop puzzles, creepier atmosphere, more detailed environment and better graphics, especially the lighting, light grids, gels, the ending, everything
It honestly feels like Portal 1 was just a tech demo for Portal 2.. Not downplaying how good Portal 1 was, but Portal 2 was amazingly good
also because free
Yeah, I could afford €60 for a game, or I could just pirate. I don't want to pay more than €20 for a game
It's digital, each copy costs almost nothing but it's inflated because the state uses violence to give them a monopoly on the item. In other regions they price it at 1/3 the price and put in extra restrictions over it. It's a.scam