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@LukeAlmighty @matrix I think you're conflating things. There's a difference between thinking someone is doing better than you and thinking they are inherently superior

I'd argue this is more applicable to the trans thing you were talking about originally. "Trans women are women" except obviously nobody believes this

@LukeAlmighty @matrix Usually it is either Whites are ahead because they gained an early advantage by random chance and used that to exploit everyone else in a vicious cycle, or the Jared Diamond route where you pick at straws to come up with explanations as you need them for why Whites did good and Africans bad

They hate the idea that Whites have any biological bonuses

@LukeAlmighty @matrix They think the races are biologically equal. No innate differences in intelligence or temperament. Of course they do not want equality, they hate White people

@alex Is there a specific user agent for this? It seems simple to extract the metadata and only serve small static data for them

@LukeAlmighty @matrix "Racism" or "institutional racism" as some force of nature you can't really debunk, but racial equality is even more fragile than transgenderism

>50.00-100.000 years evolving in completely opposite environments converged to the exact same brains

@Mr_NutterButter From what I've heard, there is no real point in going for Debian or Ubuntu on a desktop system over PopOS

@Mr_NutterButter I like glass cannons. Couple of good backstabs and I win, but couple of bad dodges and I die

@libertycappy Once they waltz home tarred and feathered they're gonna send police to lock you up for life. Either bring the guillotine or go home

@beardalaxy @xianc78 I like how she did it for Kumo Desu. 50% is view from MC, 50% is everyone else. The whole story is a stream of consciousness, and the same events will be shown from the POV of different characters, meaning everything is told through different lenses

@matrix That's me debugging .woodpecker.yaml and waiting 10 minutes for it to fail again

@xianc78 I like the way Mindustry does it. It's FOSS, you can get it on the AUR, but also you can buy it on Steam for $10 ($4 sale RN)

@FUCKINGWHOCARESDUDE @RustyCrab Glass also expands and contracts at different temperatures. Might relieve pressure to have it like that?

Random rambling 

@finlaydag33k Are you really the owner of your house/car when you have to pay property tax and they take it away if you don't/can't? Actually, wait, this applies to everything

@kaia Linux only costs time if you don't understand investments

@s2208 Would this not just be a factor of age? Curious to see it age-adjusted

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