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@Tamamo Wacom works. My Wacom One S works, I know David Revoy uses them (, and I can see in the kde_wacom_tabletfinder that it has a function for mapping the hardware buttons (mine has none so I cant test it)

re: Yoru no Kurage wa Oyogenai - 06 

@DarkMahesvara Slightly borked message, idk if I am parsing it right. So:

"TL Note: 'oshi' is a colloquialism for one's favourite

The one thing that saves you from lineliness is your oshi!"

Idk how well that would scale if it's a "slangy" character talking

Yoru no Kurage wa Oyogenai - 06 

@DarkMahesvara How exactly would you want it translated?

@LukeAlmighty Disturbing number of women's problems are "when I hit myself with a hammer, it hurts"

@ninja8tyu Way prefer A. You can at least unfocus your eyes and it looks fine

@LukeAlmighty The point of ads is to create a need in your brain so they can sell you the solution. If you have a need already, you're probably capable of searching for it yourself

There can be exceptions, but on average, any sort of ad is doing you harm

@thor I've had people try and correct me when I said "Holland", only to be then corrected themselves since Amsterdam is in fact in the Holland region. It is also what we call the country though, so I am just used to it

@mactonite @LukeAlmighty And before those IE gained 95% market share and killed Netscape which had 90% peak market share

You're sharing both parts of the story as if they have no relation to each other

@LukeAlmighty Can't believe you're trying to say that the Playstore sucks by arguing for monolith systems

>Edge, Paint
Now do the Google ecosystem on Android

@LukeAlmighty You did say it should have everything, you did not say it should be impossible to install new software, it's just a consequence of what you're asking for

There are over 3 million apps on the store. If you could not find an app to compress images or whatever you were trying to do, chances are good you suck at searching

@LukeAlmighty And then when they don't install an image compressor because no normie needs that, what are you going to do? When you hate all the software installed, what are you going to do? And when people become used to these retarded monoliths and choices start to fade from everyone, what will you do?

You' want Musks' "everything app", not a layer between processes and eachother and the hardware, an OS

@xianc78 So, the controversy is just kids learning balls exist and are shaved?

@AdamAtSea GrapheneOS is made for Pixel phones. If it's a Pixel, GrapheneOS, otherwise LineageOS

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