@Dudebro @dick @creamqueen @Junes @skylar @mischievoustomato @Hoss @maija These stats would probably be much more useful if you controlled for race
@Mr_NutterButter Obvious answer is Ghibli, Wolf Children, or similar movie
Most anything else, even PG13 rated, and it is probably going to have some yuge booba lady in skimpy clothing, or a loli complaining about her chest size, a bath scene, or some other trope here or there, even if it is fine otherwise, which really limits options
@Zergling_man @Lyx @xianc78 People spend months arduously decompiling old console games to get them to run on PC. An open-source console game with any kind of audience would be ported fairly quickly anyway
@Lyx @xianc78 @Zergling_man On PC this would usually just be fixed by going on the wiki and typing in a cmd into the console
@Lyx @xianc78 @Zergling_man Backwards compatibility also gets better the more open the environment
Issues with old games aren't nearly as big if you can at least patch and recompile old libs
@xianc78 You could make the case that Linux is to Windows what PCs are to consoles. An easy, locked-down experience, that lets you play but only play by their rules
I think you're taking a caricature too seriously and acting like the Linux version of what you're complaining about
@PhilSchedia Her thumbs are on the wrong side…
@daya If you like girls with huge canons, probably yes
@mangeurdenuage Why are the plastic chairs missing textures though
@M_39 @mactonite 12yos
@beardalaxy Be prepared to sacrifice the family pets if need arises
>«God says I have the right not to be bonked on my head!»
>„But why do I care?“
>«He is omniprescent!»
@NEETzsche @LukeAlmighty It does not make a difference. You can't get an ought from an is, even if the "is" is a god
@hko I would not want secrets being logged unless I VERY EXPLICITLY tell it to. Should not be a side effect of changing logging level from debug to trace