@xianc78 It just kinda sucks when your language has next to no inflection though, I can sympathise with wanting an explicit plural you
@romin Learn kanji through mnemonics, learn vocab through kanji, learn some light grammar, then learn the rest though osmosis
@tomie Instead of thinking "Wow, these people are evil" I think "Wow, the writers are lousy"
Now if you will excuse me, I have some puppies I need to kick
@matrix Get better, dude
@xianc78 Blacks literally believe it. Their only exposure to White food is from public school and prison cafeterias
@tomie With the way I am interpreting "objectively", bowing. Equally as arbitrary but I do not have to touch anyone
@LukeAlmighty Another issue is that when women are expected to work the supply of labour is doubled. Both are now working for less
@MoeBritannica https://www.pixiv.net/en/artworks/119849768 Pixiv version
@DarkMahesvara I do not really see a point to this. At best companies will have to very explicitly state "THE SERVERS WILL BE SHUT DOWN WHENEVER WE WANT" and people will click OK and buy it regardless as they already do
Just do not buy always-online games
@mactonite You can host koboldcpp yourself pretty easily
@coded_artist >I'm not saying they should drop everything and go after a single issue
But you are saying they should *pretty much* do nothing but this single issue? If they show any signs of doing anything else, it is bad. In this case, arresting a single dude
It is a whole country. It is the size of a country. How do you expect them to not have any crackdowns or initiatives anywhere ever on anything?
@coded_artist If you think I am wrong you should explain how instead of rephrasing what I already answered
@coded_artist You're doing nothing but rewording it
@coded_artist They are not a monolith. They do multiple things.
You can make this same dumb point over anything because no institution does a singular thing and there is always one single problem that is the biggest
@coded_artist This is illegal and enforced everywhere. At least try and hate on them for a sane reason
@Kionant You can upload gifs to https://catbox.moe/ and link them. Some clients will preview at least one of them
@finlaydag33k just drink them