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@wolfi @icedquinn @xianc78 Professional games with very active graphics, physics, animations, and particles have dirt requirements. Chances are you were doing something wrong

The webexporter is 3rd party and I think uses a JS VM for Lua. I've tried it for my stuff and it didn't wanna work

@greentext You can tell his house is going to be a huge mess because he's using his stove as a counter

@ITM Being required to go into debt to be allowed to get a job that then can't pay it back is probably an issue that's worth addressing first

Educational inflation and credentialism being the main problems

@LukeAlmighty @matana Beat Saber also requires you to agree to FB EULA now since "Meta" bought them

@xianc78 When has he ever said anything pro-White?

And also, >thinking they won't

@beardalaxy @matana If they put ¼th as much effort into the games as fan games like Sonic Utopia they'd do great. It definitely works

@Matty ADL was founded after he was lynched though, not to defend him

@fugger @CumskinFoidPuncher69420 Python dependency hell tends to work better if you use a virtual env

mkdir dir
virtualenv -p python3 dir/env
. dir/env/bin/activate

And then install all the packages

@fugger I wish to go to the universe where Torch never turned into PyTorch

@PinochetsCommieCopter There's a really funny irony with this since it's a fake screenshot, as usual

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Game Liberty Mastodon

Mainly gaming/nerd instance for people who value free speech. Everyone is welcome.