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@Shadowman311 based dad, shouldn't have been a problem in the first place tho

@Mr_NutterButter i can't tell you why without a little bit of self doxxing but i'm pretty sure that's not the case.

@galena one step forward two steps back i'm (one step forward two steps back)

lately i've kind of just been in the mood to listen to music. no gaming, just chilling and listening to stuff.

@Mr_NutterButter @applejack you know, at the very least i'm glad i don't have to censor myself too much around them.

:meru_mewwuluv: b e a r d boosted
:meru_mewwuluv: b e a r d boosted
:meru_mewwuluv: b e a r d boosted
:meru_mewwuluv: b e a r d boosted
:meru_mewwuluv: b e a r d boosted

@applejack she's also "5G sensitive" and refuses to microwave anything because it kills the nutrients (like any kind of cooking does), and thinks vegetables from the store are unhealthy for people to eat (but the fruit is fine).

she strikes me as the kind of person who sees something shared on facebook/instagram and just believes it. which makes sense because the church these people go to has a lot of that super hammed-up televangelist-style stuff where people fall down when they feel the spirit and people are getting their deafness healed and shit. they have a great community and are all really nice people who would help you out on the drop of a dime, but yeah it's all pretty scammy. whenever i ask any of them what their favorite music is most immediately say "christian music!" and i just can't believe they are real people xD

but yeah it does suck because it makes non-unhinged people who might share some of the same ideas look guilty by association. there are some things she brings up that do have plenty of merit and make sense, that i agree with. but then it gets to this "everything we know is wrong" stuff and it makes me think she's just either super gullible or schizophrenic.

maybe i should just tell her i have started to see some weird faces in the walls around the building just for shits n giggles xD

@applejack there's flat earth stuff, she's super paranoid that the government is using us as a test bed for chemicals in the air that make people subservient (but doesn't want to move away??), every time she sees an airplane going over us she thinks we're being spied on or some shit (we have an airforce base really close so jets commonly do drills/training). she thinks that every suburb in america has cameras in the street lamps so the government can spy on anyone. she's worried about all of this stuff but still has a facebook with her face and legal name.

i can't recall exactly what she was talking about today because there were so many parts of it that were built on other parts just being factually incorrect. it was mainly about calendars being incorrect and all the holidays originally stemming from satan worshippers with unholy numbers and shit, but those dates wouldn't line up with her proposed calendar changes anyway so there wasn't a whole lot of coherency there. she was talking about how, with all of the calendar changes, the mayans actually meant the world would end in 2020, not 2012, and this got brought up because people were talking about Y2K. but the mayans never said the world would end on a specific date, that's just when their calendar stopped... much like how Y2K was all about our computerized calendar "stopping" and needing an update. i'm sure if the mayans lived that long they would have just updated their calendar. but yeah she was talking about how we're technically still in 2014 because the calendars got changed from god's true calendar when there were only 10 months, even though there were only 10 named months and a winter season..... a lot of convoluted bullshit built on other convoluted bullshit.

@JohnGritt god being three individual beings never made sense to me. granted, i was raised mormon so that could have something to do with it. the Father, the Son, and the Holy Ghost being three distinct things with different roles makes more sense to me. There are plenty more examples of Them being separate beings elsewhere in the bible as well. Who was Jesus praying to in the Garden of Gethsemane? Who was He pleading with on the cross? His Father. God. Why would He pray to and plead with Himself....?

but i've brought this kind of stuff up to the people at my work that go to church and they look baffled that i'd even suggest such a thing, or that anyone believes it.

religion is mainly some guy telling a bunch of people how he interprets the bible and then asking them for money so he can keep doing it. not a lot of people really think about it that much.

:meru_mewwuluv: b e a r d boosted
the evidentiary basis of the subsequent nuremberg trials is quite amusing. prosecutor says USA captured 250 tons of german documents during and after ww2. this could be between 300 and 400 million documents (think about that), which were shipped back to the usa and analyzed by german-speaking jews. those which seemed worth of use in the war crimes trials were shipped back to germany where the prosecution sorted them and created "document books" for use in the trial. defense attorneys had access to "85 to 90%" of the documents selected in this way by the prosecution.

here is the chain of custody
1. german document, written in german, captured, sent to washington
2. a copy of #1 is typed out on a typewriter
3. an english copy is translated from #2
4. a german translation is made of #3 (sometimes)
5. a photostat (an early xerox) is made of #3 and #4 as necessary

so in court the documents presented by the prosecution are typically #5, which bear no actual signatures, no place of origin, no history, they are "a copy of a copy of a copy" and sometimes a re-re-translation. sometimes a part of the document-book will be scattered pages (page 3, page 15, pages 21-24, page 55) from other documents of which the remaining content is unknown.

hans laternser for the defense beat up the prosecution on this so bad that they cried and begged the tribunal to let it slide, since this is what was done in the main NMT trial anyway.

@coolboymew i didn't notice the sign until i had almost scrolled away xD

:meru_mewwuluv: b e a r d boosted
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