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my roommate showed this to me last night and then laughed when i showed him pomfpomfpomf. should i invite him to fedi?

beard :meru_dab: boosted

@xianc78 I think it might be because the lower caste can't leave India and the upper caste wouldn't ever leave. So we get the ones in the middle over here. Just a theory.

@Suzu @declarer7 just replace her with a blank slate dude that looks like the mc in ruiner

beard :meru_dab: boosted

@xianc78 and despite the shit teslas get and their various problems, they are still really nice cars (not you cyber truck).

@xianc78 I mean, it's not a great, but it's better imo. The community notes are a blessing lol. There is still censorship, but definitely not as much of it and not targeted towards certain groups.

@xianc78 buying twitter, imo. not like twitter is perfect, but it's definitely better than where it was and i think that's contributed to some positive effects

beard :meru_dab: boosted

@covertcunny i like the style of blonde with the color of brown, maybe a little bit lighter.

@Zergling_man @icedquinn yeah that makes sense, basically what i did with that unfit song lol

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Game Liberty Mastodon

Mainly gaming/nerd instance for people who value free speech. Everyone is welcome.