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beard :meru_dab: boosted

Top 100 Games 2025 Edition!

Again there are probably some things I forgot, and judging by how far a lot of these moved from their positions int he last list I made, a lot of these games are so close to each other that their placement isn't 100% set in stone. These are just a lot of my favorite games!

beard :meru_dab: boosted
beard :meru_dab: boosted
beard :meru_dab: boosted
anyone who thinks firing a missile toward civilians should be killed. Fuckyou nato supporting cucksuckers.
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@RehnSturm256 $2 on nagatoro and spend the rest on an ice cream date with her

beard :meru_dab: boosted
beard :meru_dab: boosted
░░░▌░▄▄▄▐▌▀▀▀░░ THIS IS BOB
▄░▐░░░▄▄░█░▀▀ ░░
▀█▌░░░▄░▀█▀░▀ ░░ COPY AND PASTE
░░░░░░░▄▄▐▌▄▄░░░ SO HE CAN TAKE
░░░░░░░▀███▀█░▄░░ OVER THE
░░░░░░▐▌▀▄▀▄▀▐▄░░ FEDIVERSE
beard :meru_dab: boosted

wait it's not my vision going to shit, it's TAA??

@Tamamo the song is a little cheesy but it's still a banger

beard :meru_dab: boosted
beard :meru_dab: boosted

hollow knight first impressions 

it's decent. played about 3 hours of it now. i can see why some people would like it i guess, it's just that i've played a lot better and i'm finding myself sort of trying to force myself through it. i'm definitely going to see it through to the end but if i'm already kind of meh about it i can only imagine it's going to be rough later on down the road. considering it's a 25+ fucking hour long game for some reason.

playing it right after final fantasy 16 was maybe not a great idea because i'm sorely missing the combat. hollow knight's combat is extremely simplistic, even for its genre. the interesting part comes from the boss battles and i'm already beginning to see that this is kind of "boss battle the game." still, you don't have a whole lot of options and the jumping feels REALLY weird to me, still haven't gotten used to that.

i like the music though, and the aesthetic is nice. i just find myself wishing i was playing something else sometimes and each of my play sessions have been 1.5 hours or thereabouts. like i don't want to play more in a single session and that doesn't bode well. i hope it can pick up steam. apparently you never unlock new weapons so that's kind of going to be an issue i think. if the whole game is just dash, slash, and one projectile for this long it's going to be brutal. i keep on thinking to myself i wish i was playing luna nights, sotn, or rogue legacy instead.


@teto my mom said "bloody hell" all the time when i was a kid

beard :meru_dab: boosted
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