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I think I'll try making myself soon too to see how males look.

The one I like most is probably the last one, and this is a filtered version with less contrast and such. She looks like she came straight out of a Silent Hill 3 cutscene.

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Tried making Damaris in the inZOI character editor demo. If you edit beyond the default faces the expressions get super weird, so I would hope that you can edit expressions too. Otherwise, it looks decent enough I think! A little uncanny but not too shabby.

i didn't like orcane in rivals 2 at first, but in this new beta i'm having a fun time with him. idk if anything changed patch notes wise, i'm sure it did, but his moveset just kinda clicked for me.

>go to store for groceries
>forget something
>go back to grab it
>forget another thing

fml good thing i have backup deodorant

and before you say "use a shopping list" a shopping list won't do any good if i don't remember to put the thing on the list

:meru_mewwuluv: b e a r d boosted


hot take/rant 

I don't think the majority of parents actually love their children. The way I see children being treated does not reflect how you should act toward someone you love. During the pandemic it was incredibly bad, and you could see abuse rates rising because of it but also I heard parents constantly complaining about their children being home instead of at school. They just want to send them away to teachers to make it their problem. I think that sure, on the surface parents love their kids and provide for them and all of that, but I don't think they really know what it means to love someone. They just leave them alone to their own devices, let other people and programs raise them, and are completely complacent on anything that hasn't been culturally hammered into them. That's the best case scenario. I experienced this as a child too (as did my siblings) and it wrecked me which, by extension, hurt others. There are things I'm still trying to remedy and things that I may never be able to. I think that's how we get where we are today, culturally speaking. Lots of hate and resentment, for others and for ourselves, because action wasn't taken when it should have been for a whole slew of reasons: it's too inconvenient, it'll make you look like a bad person, that's not what everyone else acts like or is doing, etc. That all festers up and for some people it eats them to the point of losing themselves, and for some absolutely abhorrent reason we support that culturally. Whether it's to say is "normal" or to laugh at for being abnormal.

did y'all see RFK's speech? i don't agree with the guy on *everything* but he was spittin STRAIGHT FACTS in this. this is the kind of thing that might make me want to actually vote trump, ngl. not that it necessarily matters but still.

:meru_mewwuluv: b e a r d boosted
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:meru_mewwuluv: b e a r d boosted
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:meru_mewwuluv: b e a r d boosted
:meru_mewwuluv: b e a r d boosted

lord of the rings anime brought to you by peter jackson and kenji kamiyama (of gits sac fame). thoughts? i don't see anything in the trailer to make me dismiss it immediately but it does look a little generic i suppose. better generic than absolute shit i guess but i still think lotr deserves better.

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