it's crazy to me that there are some insane guys out there still running PCs that don't have AVX2 or DX12 support. then they expect brand new releases to support their hardware. like bro... even if it did support your hardware, the game would be running at like 20fps using minimum settings and a hacked low resolution or some shit. like, imagine trying to downport a ps5 game to a ps3. it is time to upgrade....
Do not view this profile if you are sensitive to hentai, loli/shota, or furry content. I am respectful of the fact that not everyone enjoys such things, but you are visiting my personal space.
I am an advocate against all forms of abuse and neglect as someone who has experienced it, but blaming fictional content for the world's evils will do nothing. Fiction can be a wonderful way to escape in the form of artwork, cinema, books, and video games. Please let everyone enjoy it and treat real-world issues with the seriousness they deserve in comparison.