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@beardalaxy @prouddegenerate @carlosruzu @matana nice job man, you're a role model for all others in your situation 10 years ago when you talk about this stuff

I lied. I also spoke with some socialists that said that Jan. 6th would be justified if it was done by socialists. They also ofc denied Cuba's faults and issues lollllllllll

Men's issues are kinda downplayed in society, especially regarding dating. Thats all

If you want to know why Breaking bad and Squid game are both considered to be masterpieces, it's because in both shows, creators were able to kill of a female character without making a scene around d it.

A female plot armor is so strong, that seeing it fail is something unfathomable. "companies exploit the free market too much nowadays to the point of harming consumers. If we can solve that, thats a good first step to improving the economy"

"sounds like you're just complaining about capitalism being capitalism"

When we fight for encryption, we fight for human rights. It enables us to stay safe online and communicate freely.
Yet governments keep pushing to undermine it. Here is why encryption matters! ⬇️

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Game Liberty Mastodon

Mainly gaming/nerd instance for people who value free speech. Everyone is welcome.