Day 1 - Gargoyle

Very simple, but this is actually the first time that i try my hand at sculpting something complex, and for being the first time and not having graphic tablet or anything like that, the result is acceptable at least to me.

Day 2 - Scurry

Aaahhh... Low poly scenes are always the safe exit and wildcard for when you don't have an idea of what to do with a difficult prompt.

Day 3 - Bat

He's there, he's looking for you, and he's gonna bash your brains in.

Day 4 - Scallop

Bon appetit!

I was gonna add some sauce to it, but i need to up my shading game first...

Day 6 - Bouquet

Cempasuchitl is a traditional mexican flower, that apart of having a cute orange color, is used as a ceremonial plant during the celebration of Dia de Muertos, Oct 31.

Day 7 - Trip

And boy, i do really wish i could go for a trip far away, like, right now.

Day 8 - Match

"It's not about the money, it's about sending a message"

In retrospective the piece doesn't make too much sense, but it is what it is.

Day 9 - Nest

Before the big cataclysm that wiped the resources of the planet G-3487H, the inhabitants set up a series of orbital refugees to live. "The Nest" is one of them, built in the year 2xx8, currently houses an estimate of 583m people.

Day 10 - Crabby

This guy always ends up feeling crabby every time the little guys come trying to kill him.

Sorry if the piece is a bit crude, it literally ocurrred to me a couple of hours ago.

Day 11 - Eagle

"Fly like an eagle..."

The flapping animation cycle is a bit "hawkward", didn't had time to refine it further. I animated this just with shape keys, didn't used armature bones.

Day 12 - Forget

I...forgot what this prompt was about... i'm gonna go sleep.

Day 13 - Kind

"Be kind..."

Originally i don't like to fo free advertistment to big corpos, but for this i will make an exception... since it doesn't exist anymore.

Postprocesing done in VSDC

Day 14 - Empty

I will agree that this one it's not that great, and borderline simplistic, but my head was literally empty all this day, so this is all what we got.

Day 15 - Armadillo

An armored armadillo. This one was a lot of fun to make because i kept thinking what more details i could add (without making it too saturated)

Day 16 - Fowl

Eevee is still a beast that i don't understand 100% for all kinds of scenes, so this scene didn't came up exactly how i wanted, but i hope you like it regardless.

Day 17 - Salty

Not actually what i was gonna do yesterday, but i realized that i had actually bit more than i could chew, so i had to settle back a bit.

I'm a bit salty about that.

Day 18 - Scrape

This is a plane scraper, a tool to make coarser grain wood more finer (like if you used sandpaper).

These kind of prompts have me scratching my head and i am really scraping the end of the barrel to get something to post.

Day 19 - Ponytail

If you're wondering what this has to do with ponytails, well, that plant there is a Beaucarnea recurvata, also called a "Ponytail palm" (not really a palm), also in Mexico called an "Elephant's foot".

However nice they may look, please don't buy them because apparently they are being overexploited and they are on extinction danger.

Day 20 - Bluff

Better to post something simple than nothing at all ( ;゚д゚)

@hideki I get why random colour mode isn't the default (looks kinda silly) but I still really wish it was

@applejack you know you can set it as default, right?

Set your workspace and your options exactly how you want them, then file > defaults > save startutp file. Then Blender will start like that every time.

I prefer this random mode because it allows me to know better which objects are separated and which are joined and all.

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