@freemo 2 The Last Of Us II memes containing the trans woman from the leak.

@matrix I have no idea what any of that is but it sounds absolute absurd that youd get a take down order on that.

In fact it sounds as if it would fall under "fair use" if it is presented as part of a meme for comedy purposes and doesnt include the full content.

@freemo I'm not sure. I would say so too. The game hasn't released yet though and you need to see the leaks to fully understand the memes.

@matrix time to move the fediverse entirely behind onion services I guess

@matrix Holy shit...
They are seriously begging for a class-action lawsuit.

How many people do they actually want to piss off? if they got all the way here, people suing them will have in total more money then the sony itself :D

@LukeAlmighty @matrix There are a shameful number of retarded Sony simps and consoomers who will still buy The Last of Us 2, but hopefully Sony's ongoing disgusting behavior will still noticeably harm sales of the game, as well as hurt the PS5 hype cycle and launch.

Technically they're in the wrong, but you won't actually have enough money to sue, which is kinda sad.

I wonder what would happen though if you posted the stuff again in a few months.

Actually wait a second, you're not based in US, are you? Does DMCA even apply to you?

@Galena @matrix
Copyright laws are fine. We just need a few big lawsuits to refresh people's memory that fair use is a thing.

@alyx @Galena Copyright is needed to protect creators, however it needs to be severely cut down to lower abuse.

@alyx @matrix There is no way that creator's lifespan + 70 years is "fine".

@matrix kek, if you didn't hosted at fran, you could probably just ignore the dma
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