
Kill goblins. Behead goblins. Roundhouse kick a goblin into the concrete. Slam dunk a goblin baby into the trashcan. Crucify filthy blacks. Defecate in a goblins food. Launch goblins into the sun. Stir fry goblins in a wok. Toss goblins into active volcanoes. Urinate into a goblins gas tank. Judo throw goblins into a wood chipper. Twist goblins heads off. Report goblins to the IRS. Karate chop goblins in half. Curb stomp pregnant black goblins. Trap goblins in quicksand. Crush goblins in the trash compactor. Liquefy goblins in a vat of acid. Eat goblins. Dissect goblins. Exterminate goblins in the gas chamber. Stomp goblin skulls with steel toed boots. Cremate goblins in the oven. Lobotomize goblins. Mandatory abortions for goblins. Grind goblin fetuses in the garbage disposal. Drown goblins in fried chicken grease. Vaporize goblins with a ray gun. Kick old goblins down the stairs. Feed goblins to alligators. Slice goblins with a katana.

The goblin walks into a tawern
And batman made sure he never makes that mistake ever again.

Fuck... Batman makes this way too funny to rewrite.

damn that’s cold

Still haven’t watched goblin slayer tbh

Yeah? Couple people said it wasn’t worth it and it kinda just got by on shock value and hype and I used that to confirm my laziness 😂

@ademan @LukeAlmighty @matrix it actually gets /more/ interesting as the story goes on because the rest of the party drags him off on actual adventures and don't always let him get away with being autistic
@matrix @LukeAlmighty
Q: what do I need?
A: 3+
Q (rolls a 3): cool! now what?
A: ooh, tough luck, you rolled a 2, so you
Q: I rolled a 3!
A: due to a random act of divine loathing for Goblinkind, your 3 became a 2
Q: did you even roll for that?
A: not 'random' like RNG, but like the whim of God. It's God deciding it, you know?
Q: so am I dead?
A: dude, wait for me to describe just how he kills you. The innkeeper--
Q: fuck this! Why did you even let me roll a goblin if you were going to run the game this way?
A: so that the goblin would suffer

BTW @picandor ,this is the kind of scene I was talking about yesterday. Yes, it is brutal and repulsive, but after watching it, you understand, that although they are "innocent", they are in fact a threat to the society.

You understand, that this isn't a soft bright unicorn fantasy word, and that "let's hug it out" won't be a solution to every problem. And sometimes in life don't have a good decision. You can only choose between 2 bad ones.

@matrix I’m still mad that Pathfinder: Kingmaker allows romancing the half-elf wizard chick, the whiny cleric, the brutal half-orc dude, and even the retarded (she has INT 9 in the beginning of the game) paladin chick. But not the goblin. No, you can only make the goblin your jester.

@matrix I mean, you can even fuck the main villain of the game. But not the goblin! What the hell is wrong with this people?
@coldacid @matrix the goblin is literally the most awesome companion in that game! Besides, he is smarter than the paladin chick (INT 11 vs INT 9). And if that mentally deficient piece of cinder is allowed to be romanced, why the hell isnt the goblin?
@matrix "We have beds just your size available."

"NIGGER! You've taken away the one perk of being small!"
@matrix >tfw you will never have a tabletop game with your bros where all storylines and dialogue revolve around racism
@matrix Both of these dungeon masters suck dick, I fucking despise fake nerd bandwagon hoppers that don't understand d&d on a fundamental level. One of the main reasons from a roleplaying perspective that there's so many mythical creatures the player can choose to play is to experience adversity like this, as the DM takes into account NPC beliefs and prejudices towards specific races that may or may not belong to one of the player characters.

Of course the blue haired faggot who made this meme expects to be baby'd by their DM and probably throws a bitch fit when they're not. Just like how they act in real life.
@Ripsnort @matrix Exactly. This is what bothers me about so much of the world building in... almost everything. They want consequence free identity, which is boring. Like, there is no point in me playing as anything specifically if it literally doesn't matter in the setting.
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