He was just playing the role bro. He was never actually sexting horny dudes bro. He's a real alpha pimp... I mean alpha male bro. He would never try to scam people. Just like he said in his platinum tier course bro.

@LukeAlmighty @matrix Bro he didn't have sex with kids bro he didn't lure them into his lair and then abuse them bro that is something the Tate Brothers could never do because they are modern day saints and never even speak in rude or abusive tones like arrogant retards, never ever, you know they don't even breathe air because they're so perfect, they have transcended the need for oxygen.

@LukeAlmighty @matrix The age is x<18 that's what "minor" means, I figured a pedo hater like you would know that.

@LukeAlmighty @matrix In the eyes of the law my friend they are kids, or in other words in the eyes of the law my friend, they are children.

@Jazzy_Butts @matrix
He is still a literal sex trafficker. The real kind, so he deserves no sympathy either way. There's no reason to make up shit about him. It makes him look innocent.

@LukeAlmighty @matrix bro I just looked up the age of consent in Romania and it's 16 LMAO so they were younger than 16 allegedly

@matrix If he goes to prison, can we finally stop talking about the douchebag in the news? That's honestly all that I want, to not see his stupid face anywhere anymore. Not in the news, not on social media, or YouTube or anywhere else.

@alyx Even if he goes to prison you will hear about him. You will hear about how he's a political prisoner, deep state got him etc

@alyx @matrix If incarcerated, it will take another 5 years or so for people to grow out of it.

@xyfdi @matrix I mean... I hear some of the crimes he committed come with up to 10 years of prison. And considering he's unlikely to be a good, calm, well behaved prisoner, I don't see him coming out early. 5 years, doesn't sound that implausible.

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