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This is just fucking perfect. :pepelol:
These are the proper usecases for AI.

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Honestly, it's pretty bad. If I don't appear in like 24 hours I'm in better case in a hospital and in the worst case dead.

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I've been awake for 28h hours now minus few 5 minute naps, because I'm having trouble coughing up all the phlegm and the medication for dissolving it doesn't seem to be helping that much. I think I'm running on adrenalin from the almost constant feeling of a George Floyd cosplay.

How the truck bigger than your moon if the moon is supposed to be big enough to land on and walk around on?

This is literally proof that the earth is flat and that the moon landing was fake.

WAKE UP SHEEPLE! :alexjonesdemons:

It would mean the world to me if you'd check it out and wishlist it :D the game will be available in 2025 and will be free :)

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Game Liberty Mastodon

Mainly gaming/nerd instance for people who value free speech. Everyone is welcome.