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In retrospect, the Black Mesa Incident was just a cautionary tale about DEI in STEM

Letting rust into the Linux kernel is the same as letting immigrants into your country. They say that it won't change anything and that it's actually a good thing but now you have to press 1 for English and your daughter has already been raped 3 times this year.

Universal translator telling me what this alien species' deeply important cultural traditions are: "Rubodubdub thanks for the grub."

Leftists seem to have successfully managed to memoryhole that they were the ones freaking out about a chick with a dick in Cyberpunk

Kozy Ivy Pacovský, ty jsou vážně obrovský

@sun @lebronjames75 I have the solution! If you manage to prove a paper doesn't replicate, you get to enslave the authors of that paper.

PewDiePie switched to . It's finally the year of the desktop.

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Game Liberty Mastodon

Mainly gaming/nerd instance for people who value free speech. Everyone is welcome.