> 1.5 GB bloated to 16
> 250-600 players online
> this gay screen
> Battle Eye anticheat in a single player game
> "ubisoft account required"
> crashes and lags
> can't rebind keyboard (you could in the original)
> no achievements (they promised achievements)


and the cherry on top is a steam image with fucked aspect ratio

@tomie i still remember when they tried to get the community to make textures for the second game (which is never coming out btw) and masked it as a contest. that must have been like a decade ago at this point.

@LukeAlmighty @tomie >2017 was 7 years ago :CirnoForReals:

it's crazy how this just looks like a unity school project by today's standards. like, you could probably make this with unity store assets Dx

actually, now that i think about... given that disclaimer at the beginning of the port, i can't help but wonder if part of the reason it's stuck in development hell is because of DEI shit where they have had to go back and change so much because of "stereotypes." if they were going to stick to the first game and expand on it i can only imagine that certain special interests groups didn't like what they saw.

@beardalaxy @LukeAlmighty @tomie I hate DEI with such a burning passion it's unreal.

"I want a video game character that looks like this person."

"Just play the Sims then."

"Where are the female led video games?!

"Lara Croft, Bayonetta, most of Touhou."

"They just don't like female gamedevs!"

"No, you just made a shit project. We'd say that about anyone. Just look at yanderedev."

@picandor @LukeAlmighty @tomie my favorite is when they say shit like "they don't like female game devs" and then they shit on characters and art that women made xD

@picandor @LukeAlmighty @tomie i also think that the majority of women are prettier than modern day video game female characters... if anything it's unrealistic when they look like rule 63 buzz lightyear.

@beardalaxy @tomie
What do you mean, that a black woman and a monkey acting exactly the same isn't a great idea?

@beardalaxy @tomie
Somehow, 7 years ago, this thought didn't cross my mind.

Almost as if, the race became a bigger part of my life for some reason...

@LukeAlmighty @tomie i know how you feel :feelsbadman: i sometimes wonder if it was designed this way...

@beardalaxy @tomie
I am over it.
Yes, I used to be scared to death of the discriminatory hiring, but at this point, it just seems, that in the end, this system will collapse into the most nationalistic era in history...

What the fuck do they mean by "up to 4k 60FPS"???

So, they did upscale the game, but even when doing the upscale, they still couldn't be fucked to rewrite it to a general function?

Or is just the marketing guy retarded?

@LukeAlmighty @tomie

>>What the fuck do they mean by "up to 4k 60FPS"???

They mean that the game supports resolutions up to 4k at 60fps if your system can push it. Come on man

@LukeAlmighty @tomie marketing people aren't always the brightest bunch. So many marketing and business major types I've spoken too are dumb as rocks.

@picandor @tomie
Yeah... I almost forgot.
I remember accidentaly sitting next to them in chool, while they were working on their project. Not a single brain cell could be observed, since literally all of their thoughts were in the "yes and" format.

@LukeAlmighty @tomie "We'll be the Uber of $idea." No you won't Tanner, it'll be shit.

>"I'm promoting this new project."
>looks inside
>gimmicky shitcoin

@LukeAlmighty @tomie My brother was sitting beside one of them at uni who had an idea for currency exchange in contention Europe and he has the horrible name of



@LukeAlmighty @tomie *continental Europe, not contention what the shit autocorrect

@tomie >they even fucked up the steam image :kekw:

Once again my burning hatred for Ubisoft is justified

@tomie I see the tower fetishists are up to their usual nonsense again

@tomie Ubisoft really needs to go under already

@tomie “acknowledge the negative impact” it’s like a doctrine to these fags that being slightly mean to someone forces them to rob a convenience store

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