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@LukeAlmighty although with a last name of Robotnik the Chech form would make sense

@beardalaxy and just as 'murican
they could fucking translate it as "i am lovin' it" and it would be funnier and potentially could net them a lawsuit

@LukeAlmighty but that's objectively correct, her name is Maria, not Marie

@beardalaxy "gReAt iN JaPaNeSe aNd GrEaT iN EnGLiSh aRe NoT tHe SaMe"

"localisation is important! it's not about the literal meaning--"
kill yoooooourseeeeeeeeeelf!!!!!!!!

tomie boosted
tomie boosted
The “Karen” phenomenon is horribly misogynistic as we all know. I’ve come to realize that a part of this is the idea that it’s wrong to complain to management even if you have a legitimate and serious reason for doing so, like “oh the restaurant claimed my food was free of an allergen but it really wasn’t.”

I saw a post on Reddit where someone had a serious gripe about a restaurant and the top comment said that the OP should call the restaurant and ask to speak to the manager. This comment only had a net upvote of one while the comments replying to it had a lot more upvotes. The whole post had hundreds of replies and my default it’s to sort by most popular or whatever. So, it was clear that many people think that complaining to management is wrong for any reason.

We all know that Reddit skews young, so my worry is that these kids really do think it’s bad to complain to the management even for serious reasons.

Businesses SURVIVE based on the feedback they get. Yes they can read Yelp reviews or whatever, but let’s be real, most of them won’t help a restaurant improve as there’s no actual discussion happening.

It’s just another way that misogyny has wider implications for the rest of society, but men don’t give a shit because their main goal in life is to control women at any cost.

@LukeAlmighty calendar is reset every emperor in Japan, it's convenient in a way

I am surprised that burgers don't use some Freedom Calendar with five Feet days in a Fahrenheit week

>a thread of two retards seething about ai art
>the usual cope about it being "soulless"
>their own art looks like shitcoin NFTs

@picandor this would be almost perfect, but I can't unsee the broken arm

>a video criticizing the dialogue for starting with "i am transgender" and explaining shit nobody asked
>a literal array of comments agreeing and starting with "i am transgender" or "as a trans" and explaining shit nobody asked
well, it seems that's just how they talk

"it's all about caloric deficit, for example, I liked eating chips but had to replace them with popcorn because 100g of chips is lesser in size than 100g of popcor--"
this retard is ought to be prosecuted and shot by a firing squad if he seriously thinks that replacing one oily all carbs thing with another oily all carbs things has anything to do with a diet

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