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tomie boosted

I agree with you completely.
Everyone who reads or watches crime shows should go straight to jail.

wait it's not my vision going to shit, it's TAA??

@LukeAlmighty Putin is their god, and as any jews, they simultaneously worship him and fear him, literally everything they say is them coping with this

tomie boosted

@tomie the only acceptable game to play is Wii sports

@LukeAlmighty how awful, everyone knows that detonating a nuke in a game is the same thing as detonating it IRL

@LukeAlmighty splatoon is not ok either because this is a game about committing crimes, too
chess is absolute not ok: playing chess is equal to being a literal warlord and all chess players should be put on international trial for war crimes

the entire point of shooters is to kill people: there's no amount of mental gymnastics which could excuse it; the entire point of shooting games is to kill people, because that's quite literally the main selling point
"but muh Doom where I only kill alie-" doesn't matter, you still hunt and kill a living sentient intelligent being
so if you ever played shooters or worse, enjoyed them, you're literally a killer, a murderer, and an overall menace to society
same thing if you ever watched, like, a movie where a person got killed and enjoyed it: you are a sick person and your enjoyment of this sick shit is an indicator of that

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I wonder what natural resource that Blackrock found in California that justified burning the whole thing down for land grabs.

@JuicyGothMommyFeet someone being gigarapists doesn't cancel megarapists

@LukeAlmighty although by equalising abortion to murder you really did imply that she did something wrong
first moids laugh over a woman being gaslighted into guilt over abortion; then they are acting surprised when their own wives turn out to also be gaslighted into feeling guilty over a miscarriage, and, like, a quarter of completely normal pregnancies end in a miscarriage anyway

@LukeAlmighty no, but uh-oh society seems to have gaslighted her into feeling guilt over it nonetheless

Fuck!!!! (atheist ragebait) 

@LukeAlmighty she literally did nothing wrong doe

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@RehnSturm256 @BadFediPosts @moyi why moids are so insistent on dragging non-consenting parties into their perversions
maybe they should be just shot on sight instead for the safety of everyone

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tomie boosted
@wgiwf @King_Noticer @Robert_Edwardly pink and light blue are a cute pattern and we shouldn't let troons just claim it for them

@LukeAlmighty I mean that the word "robot" is Czech in origin
but 'Maria' is also a perfectly valid form of the name, nothing latinx about it and no need to change it when it's already kinda abnormal (her name by default would be Mary otherwise)

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