more games should have a disclaimer like this instead of "w-we acknowledge the negative impart of old stereotypes, we are sooooo soooowwwyyyyy for making our previous games vibrant, diverse, and interesting instead of the same sweet baby mandated slop"
the game is The King of Dragon Pass and it's the fine example of a "one more turn" game
are sea monkeys ethical?
on one hand, selling something living to literal 5 y/os is never going to end well, so the creatures are going to die horrible death in a plastic toy tank
on the other, the so-called sea monkeys are the literal bottom of food chain and mostly bred as live feed for fish anyway while a supervised 5 y/o might love them dearly and they seem to be fine with a plastic tank (unlike fish)
too many ppl, and pretty much all faux trads do not realize that their idealized child raising model where you care about the fine details of their overall development is incredibly recent
before that you were either too poor, so children were at best additional workforce in the family and at worst a liability you literally can't afford to feed; or rich enough to not give a shit about your children ever and outsource them to nannies or just a boarding school
and no matter whether you're rich or poor, your kids are not guaranteed to live to see their 5th birthday so better not to get attached to them too much
> 1.5 GB bloated to 16
> 250-600 players online
> this gay screen
> Battle Eye anticheat in a single player game
> "ubisoft account required"
> crashes and lags
> can't rebind keyboard (you could in the original)
> no achievements (they promised achievements)
♡ i identify as an eldritch horror beyond human comprehension ♡
♡ normally I don't fedpost, but in case I ever do: it's all fiction in the genre of satire and has nothing in common with tangible reality ♡