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What's more is that men will get angry when women are distrusting of men, when they fear for their safety in a male-dominated environment, when they choose the bear. "Not all men are like that", they will cry.

But they also say things like "I would never hire a male nanny to take care of my daughter" or "my daughter needs to be careful with who she dates." Because they KNOW. They know that enough men *are* like that. But they still gaslight women about it because they feel entitled to have access to women whenever they want and to demand that a woman exists only for the sake of a man and not for her own.
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@sergeantcat @LukeAlmighty @tomie Because men cry and beg and threaten until they give in. If they don't give in they are a selfish, prudish bitch who won't give a nice guy a chance. If they do they are a slut and the man is absolved from all responsibility even though the sex was more than likely what he wanted, not her.
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@benis_redux @GrumpyOldNurse @brendamccann strange men don't mention how many millions and millions of people they have murdered just so they could achieve erections?
and we all know that is what spurs men on
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In case you needed more proof that men hate you.

This is why IDGAF if a man is on the verge of necking himself because he is "lonely." When they say lonely what they mean is "women won't do what I want them to do and it's their fault that I can't get a tradwife who will willingly destroy her body by giving me six kids"
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When a woman is diagnosed with cancer, one of the many things her oncologist must explain is that her husband will probably leave her.

Now it seems that a woman is lucky if her partner simply leaves, instead of “putting her out of her misery.”

The quotes below are sickening. They were made by judges to men who “mercy killed” their wives. All 12 were given suspended sentences, btw; the judges were falling all over themselves trying to excuse these men for violently murdering sick and disabled women who wouldn’t have stood a chance even had they been healthy.

And men wonder why we’d choose the bear.

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'oh no!' the moid cries, 'twilight is literally the worst thing ever! women literally ruined vampires! they're not menacing or scary anymore!' he wipes his weary red eyes with the same tissue he wiped his own semen after gooning to the image of the hot goth vampire chick #30674

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@BlaisePascal yeah its great to omit 51% of the population in it? and is why a man's world is also known as "A No Woman's Land" and is why all the architecture in it is totally from a male perspective..?
What females are to males in their man's world are targets to go after and attack in the name of their manhood otherwise known as their gawd..because men's minds are controlled by their gawd Dick and zero else ..
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congrats @flux_the_cat and @William_The_Dragonborn on your reports directly to our isp

i got this image attached with a screenshot of one of the posts and "to /dev/null it goes" from one of the staff

good job
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And then folks will blame women or some other group other than themselves, rather than asking why so many men feel excited by sexual abusing birds and bashing their brains in

got recommended yet another 'dophamine detox' type of video and the retard there is talking about the downfall of not having extracurricular activities in college heavily implying that ppl are getting dopamine poisoned and becoming NEETs because they chose to spend their free time playing videogames instead of doing some unpaid internship 💀
the thought about college being hard and exhausting as is (plus being a scam) didn't even cross his head
i hate protestant work ethic preachers

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