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bro, I'm tired of your anti-feet roleplay. It's as if we never send pictures of each other's feet in XMPP, remind each other of licking feet every day, gong out to have a race on who's sniffing more feet in one day. Remember that thread about Hillary Clinton's feet we made in /b/ just a week ago? You and I are feet brothers in arm. Why do you keep saying you're anti-feet in public and keeping your thing secret? Please, I beg you to at least say the truth that you love feet, don't deny your nature. I will be there to support you and we'll be sniffing feet together one day.

There's two outfits you get by buying the Bunny Suit, so they each come to around ~$25 each if you don't factor in the other in-game materials that come with them. I don't really care for the second outfit; it's kinda ugly on my character. You can't really buy them separately, as they're in a board completion game you can buy so it usually means you will get the other outfit before the Bunny Suit anyways.

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I haven't been posting due to playing BnS lmao

This also means I haven't worked on my art either. Oops... I wish I didn't miss Bunny Day this year AGAIN and was able to draw something for it, but I do have a screenshot of the new bunny outfit for Blade & Soul released last week for the Western servers. It comes with a special emote called Bunny Hop, too!
This outfit properly hides the ears and tails on the Lyn race. They did a good job with it!

I'm back to playing Blade & Soul and I won't be leaving this time. I've tried to leave this game plenty of times and always just come back anyways. :kekw: This leaving and coming back gets old after 7 years of playing, so unless they shut down the Western server or ban me, looks like I'm stuck for good.

I also have an irreplaceable friend group in this game and I just can't see myself without these guys. They're truly wonderful people I look forward to seeing every day and I missed them during the months I was away, hoping to drag them with me to the now failed Blue Protocol. As I had mentioned, we won't be playing that game due to the censorship imposed by Amazon.

I will begin covering BnS more and making video content for it in the upcoming months, as I do believe this very unique MMO deserves a second look in the current year. There is simply nothing like it and I don't suspect there will be anytime soon. I've always been very critical of this game, hoping it improves which can come across to people as me being a "hater", so I will do an honest coverage each time. The game has positives and negatives, like every game. The game has improved for the better in the past months.

Since it's a very old game and now handled directly by its parent company in Korea, nobody pays much attention to it. This makes it not prone to censorship like newer MMOs or JRPGs coming to the West.
Any censorship we had in the past for BnS has been mostly reverted to the original Korean game models as far as I can tell.

In regards to why blocks

The reason that has been provided by their admin is because many of us fail to properly apply CW and mark their NSFW posts as sensitive content.

I ask that users here at baraag work together to actively apply the sensitive content warning to their explicit uploads.

It is in our best interest to reenable federation with because I believe the artists on our servers should be able to communicate with each other.

Let us fix this.

Retiring my TPE Lifesize Doll; long post 


This is for followers who may have followed to see the dolls, even from other platforms as I will link to this post because it allows for longer writing.

My TPE doll is retired from now on. The explanation is below if you care to read, as no more pictures of this doll will be posted.

I can't remember if I posted it here on Fedi but I talked about ordering a silicone head from my doll's maker. The head arrived without damages but the make-up melted off during transit somehow. This is the second time I have had issues ordering from them. I want to keep it professional... But I was extremely annoyed by how it was handled and not so much at the make-up melting.

Especially because this is the second time I have had quality issues with this company, the first time being the fact that there was a lot of loose TPE on one of his hands. These loose TPE chunks actually ended up peeling around a month later, resulting in permanent damage to his finder and exposing the jointed finger wires. There simply won't be a third time ordering and I won't be ordering anymore of these dolls from China, even from other makers.

I knew the make-up was not able to be repaired as soon as I saw it. Now, I can redo the make-up myself though I'm not a make-up artist. I would have had no issues retouching the cheeks with blush, though. The problem is, they applied some sort of base to the head that is some shades lighter that his actual skin color. Dolls with lighter skin tones can hide defects or problems easier but because mine is a brown color, this simply isn't the case.

After I e-mailed them, I asked right away how to safely remove the make-up off this silicone head. Due to the nature of these dolls, finding this type of info isn't that simple. I asked around and nobody knows how to remove it either. lmao
A lot of info is not organized or "underground". It took THREE fucking e-mails for them to actually tell me how to remove it. They kept dodging it and telling me stuff like "we don't recommend removing it" or "to put powder on it". How is it possible that the people making the dolls can't see right away the make-up is not able to be repaired but I can tell right away? The make-up is hard set on the face; it's not even able to be moved around with a brush either. Powder did jack shit.

What it sounds like to me is that they need a better way to do the make-up on the silicone head or this material perhaps shouldn't be used with make-up that doesn't hold up well on the material. At the very least, the make-up should be "user friendly" to the customer so they can retouch it as time goes on. They also said they applied something to the head so the "make-up lasts longer". Once again, it's not user friendly at all if something wrong happens like in my case. They have to understand they are not located within the USA, so any "fix" for this that they offer is simply not optimal. I'm extremely patient and I guarantee that other people, specially Americans, would not be as forgiving.

Why even sell it then, if it has such issue with holding the make-up? I was then given the option to "send it back to China" to have the make-up redone. It was not specified if they would pay for the shipping and I assume not. I'm not sending it back and paying more plus risking damage during transit. I know these dolls's material are frail.

This wouldn't have pissed me off as much if they had just fucking told me how to remove it. They tend to be evasive and don't know how to fix problems with the doll once it arrives to the customer. Going back to the peeling TPE on my doll's body, guess what I was told when I e-mailed them about that?
They told me to "put powder on it". They think everything is fixed with powder somehow.

Perhaps these dolls need more time in the oven before being sold with all these issues? They're charging 1k-3k+ USD for some of these. Yeah yeah, I know it comes from China so the stereotype here is that it will be bad quality. But like I said, there is no third time.

This is also not a problem specific to my doll's company. Almost all doll "vendors" (the middleman between the makers and the customer), have some sort of inspection service to check for damages before the doll arrives to the customer. They also charge money for this service to boot. I never thought about it much but why the fuck is such a service needed? Just don't produce a product prone to quality issues, how about that?

There's a lot of dolls listed on the vendor that I use to buy doll supplies that are damaged, all from different doll makers. Such as broken fingers or the material having a lot of defects.

Speaking of quality issues, the doll makers don't seem to want to improve these dolls at all. They're focusing on dumb shit, like "sucking vaginas" or vibrating dicks that render the entire doll worthless and useless if that mechanism breaks. I have spoken about it before briefly, but the weight of these dolls is also an issue and if you do use the doll "as intended", this to me doesn't sound practical. I don't use my doll for it but moving him around just to pose for photos is not easy, either. They keep making them heavier and heavier, which is more the truth to male dolls. I have only seen one doll maker be looking to improve and innovate the dolls so they are lighter and I commend them for that. They offer implanted hair that costs extra money and it just comes off with brushing anyways. Of course, you can't put it back in. In my opinion, wigs is what they should stick to. It's like everything they offer needs improvement or isn't practical from a consumer point of view.

There are issues with the skeletons too, such as broken articulated fingers or loosening joints. Since the dolls are not made in the USA, you can guess how well it goes when you inevitably have to repair it yourself. Some TPE dolls are known to also "melt" after two years or so.

This post is already way too long but I'm criticizing the entire industry here, not just the maker of my doll. I think they should have just been honest about removing the make-up from the start and also tell me what products to use so it can be redone. I have not got a clue what type of chemical or base they applied to him. The pictures I took show the make-up of the cheeks melted off in the plastic mask they used to protect the head. The last picture is the finger and loose TPE hand; it become a lot worse and the wire got exposed later, leading me to have to repair it. Inhaling TPE fumes in my room is not fun, because the material needs to be melted.

I have had zero issues with my fabric doll from Japan and I'm very happy with him, so this is the one that will be publicly posted. I know he isn't as popular as the TPE doll but I hope people will still give my cute fabric Elegos a chance. 🥹

I want to be clear that I DO NOT regret buying my TPE doll, actually. Just for the sole fact that I would not have found out about my fabric doll's maker if I had not been in the scene of life size/love dolls. I will continue to care for my TPE doll until his time is up and the material can't be repaired but I just personally don't feel right "advertising" a product with issues.

I'm an extremely brutally honest person, perhaps to a fault. I don't care who this post pisses off, people should be informed regardless.

This also cancels any plan I had to commission that "shortstack/Midna" body, as that also involves dealing with a China factory again. I will not risk spending 10k USD for something known to come with issues, now from personal experience. The TPE version is also an even worse idea, as this material is actually worse than silicone and I was only going to plan a TPE version because the body would have been publicly sold and made "for a purpose", in case people wanted to use for that.

I will try to get my other OC made by the maker of my fabric doll, though I'm unsure if they can make the head with the horns and imp ears or make him with such a dark skin color. If I am actually able to redo the make-up of the silicone head, it may get posted sometime in the future. But the way the damage happened and how the make-up was done, it probably means EVERYTHING has to come off and that is beyond my skill level to get it looking as good as the factory make-up.

My personal thoughts on this:

Of course I will completely drop Blue Protocol over this. I can't even make my characters in the Western version and I won't risk spending money on my JP account and then getting banned at some other time for being a Westerner. It also doesn't seem feasible to convince my group of friends to play on the JP server. The removal of the S body type is not something that mods can fix. If it's removed during character creation, you just flat out can't make it in the game.
My main character that I was using is not even anything the censorship defenders would deem justifiable for the removal, since they seem to only focus on "Oh, you're angry you can't play a little girl anymore!"

My brother in Christ, my character is an adult and he just has a slim body type. He is also the tallest height for males of the S type and I picked it because it allows me to be slim. These people seem to think in black and white, only.

So where do I go after this? Well, if you want a game that doesn't censor and also has way better action combat than , you are welcome to come try Blade & Soul. The game isn't anywhere near perfect but we just got a new bunny suit outfit that is available for EVERYONE, even the small race. I may do a thread at some point for people looking to try BnS and may get back into doing videos for it. I have my gripes with BnS too but at least the developers aren't incompetent enough to censor a game that is already struggling. I've been on BnS for 7 years now, playing at the highest level for endgame, so I could probably answer any question anyone has without bullshit copium most supporters of this game are on.

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Well. In the latest shit show that is , the for the West release is a lot worse than anticipated and Amazon is doubling down massively. To keep things short, Amazon has removed the smallest body type from the game and in a bizarre puritan panic, removed "jiggle" physics that are basically only present in character creation. They cited in an interview that jiggle physics can make Western audiences "uncomfortable". Do these people at Amazon go outside AT ALL, I wonder? Yes, breasts DO IN FACT MOVE AROUND EVEN IN REAL LIFE. lol

This is absolutely ridiculous for a company that wants the game to be "inclusive" yet removes the petite body type. There is no good reason to ever do this and their bullshit excuse that they want to keep the Teen rating falls flat when you look at their competitors, FF14 and WoW. Both these games are rated Teen and feature suggestive content.

There's also changes to the menu that has the character's underwear, which seems to be just flat out also removed from the game. It's very bizarre, honestly. Do these people at Amazon also not wear underwear or something? :kekw:

This Twitter thread by Zakogdo has further information regarding that:

Post about the bizarre undergarment changes:

What I loved the most about Perrito is when he's telling all the horrible shit that happened to him and he just makes the best of it. He just laughs off all the bad shit. I know it's a simple way to look at things and doesn't work on everything but it was relatable to me.

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