I've got no experience with them, but I've been wondering if they're actually as good as people claim they are, or if it's just a marketing thing

@Alex I've been looking at cooking websites and they said that they are pretty much required to make restaurant-quality pizzas without having a giant pizza oven in your backyard. They don't mention any particular brands so I doubt that they are shilling.

@Alex @xianc78 whats the point? is it supposed to simulate heat deflection or something?

we have a smol cooker that does that on some modes where you put the big pan in to heat it up before cooking and the theory is the big pan just makes it more hotter

@icedquinn @Alex It's supposed to distribute heat evenly and store enough heat while preheating. Part of the reason why most homemade pizzas suck is that most ovens aren't hot enough to cook them.

From what I understand, it absorbs heat and transfers it to the base of the pizza differently than a metal pizza tray would, which somehow helps it cook better.
@icedquinn @Alex @xianc78 I use one. It crisps up the crust really nicely on the bottom. To accomplish that though, when you preheat the oven you need to put the stone in and let it get as hot as it can, I usually wait twenty minutes or so. The stone, once hot, transfers heat into the crust faster, like the brick or stone oven floor would, so your crust crisps up quicker, before your cheese and topping would burn.
Next best thing is maybe pizza directly on the oven grate but that only really works for frozen pizzas unless you have like a screen or w/e

@xianc78 It does work well and make the pizza noticeably crispier, but because you have to heat it up for like a half hour I kind of just don't bother with it, me lazy.

@arc @xianc78 this is my reason for not cooking in general, it takes so long and i have other shit i wanna do lol idc how it tastes as long as its good enough xD

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