Does anyone have any experience with a pizza stone (take note that I said "stone", not "stove")? Apparently, they allow you to make restaurant-quality pizzas using an ordinary stove or grill.
@Alex I've been looking at cooking websites and they said that they are pretty much required to make restaurant-quality pizzas without having a giant pizza oven in your backyard. They don't mention any particular brands so I doubt that they are shilling.
@icedquinn @Alex It's supposed to distribute heat evenly and store enough heat while preheating. Part of the reason why most homemade pizzas suck is that most ovens aren't hot enough to cook them.
@xianc78 It does work well and make the pizza noticeably crispier, but because you have to heat it up for like a half hour I kind of just don't bother with it, me lazy.