Someone should invent dumpsters that you have to pay to open (unless you own it or are the garbage man). That way, stores can still profit off of freegans.
@beardalaxy I'm talking about dumpsters behind stores. Stores throw away food that doesn't meet their standards and that's where freegans get their food.
@Suiseiseki @beardalaxy This has nothing to do with software.
@Suiseiseki @beardalaxy
>You think many people know how to make mechanical coin-operated mechanisms or TTL circuits anymore?
I still see gumball machines.
@xianc78 you're so spiteful to the homeless that you would rather they die from starvation than prevent people profitting off of garbage which they wouldn't even sell their customers...
Kinda sociopathic, tbh...
@Aldo2 Panhandle harder.
@xianc78 you know what?
Maybe I will...
@xianc78 i WISH there was a dumpster nearby me that i could just pay a couple dollars to open or whatever. taking bigger stuff all the way over to the dump is a massive pain in the ass.