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Maybe I should just get a System76 Meerkat and find a portable LCD monitor. I've seen people done similar things with Mac Minis. Of course there is the whole power issue but maybe I could find a work around.

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As someone who was "the kid who sold stuff from his locker", this really hits close to home for me.


You can now place brick tiles in the level editor, but that's basically it for now.

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Level editor is now running, but it's nothing, but an all brick background. Bare with me!

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Added a menu, imported from my last game. Not sure if I will have high scores for my game though.

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Replaced the solid color tiles with an actual tileset. It's still a placeholder though as it is from another game (Mario Bros.).

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Added an "open door" animation when you reach the exit. Now, you have to press the down key to proceed.

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Game Liberty Mastodon

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