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Dungeon shops are fully functional. Though I will most likely move them to the center of their rooms and maybe add a merchant.

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Given that most people are too stupid to compile from source. I'm considering selling my games while providing the full source code with assets included on Codeberg or any other repository host. It might be a sustainable business model.

Referring to ships as "she" and "her" is just as delusional as referring gender freaks by their preferred pronouns.


Added a shield item which reduces the damage the player takes by half.

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Yet, this guy blocks me when I mathematically point out (without referencing NASA or any other space agency) how "emergency flight paths" don't prove flat earth.


Now, keys (using the coin sprite as a placeholder) are required to exit each floor.

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Improved the wall tiles. It looks SO much better now. It's actually starting to look like a game.

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Replaced the copyrighted, placeholder tiles with my own.

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Decided to add more rooms in the procedurally generated dungeons to add more variety. Sand rooms can now appear but they are functionally no different than floor tiles.

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Game Liberty Mastodon

Mainly gaming/nerd instance for people who value free speech. Everyone is welcome.