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I love even after all these years, Nintendo is concerned about accessibility for the left-handed.

I'm still not buying this botnet alarm clock though.

Here is something that you almost never see on the modern, post-culture war Internet. There is this website known as "Terra Earth" which is a fansite for the unofficial Soul Blazer trilogy. On their forum, there is a subforum dedicated to conspiracy theories and debating heated topics. Best parts about it are:
1. All of these threads are contained within this subforum. You don't have to participate if you don't want to.
2. A site dedicated to a hobby has an off-topic forum dedicated to this kind of stuff. You almost never see this on modern Discord servers. People who post these kinds of threads usually get permabanned.
3. There is ZERO ideological bias. Everyone came to these threads with an open-mind and almost nobody had knee-jerk reactions. Everything is fair game. People may insult you, but this was before things like witch-hunts and lolcow drama became mainstream.

This subforum (and the forum as a whole) is nowhere near as active as it used to be (with each subforum getting a new post every few months), but the fact that it's still up shows how different the landscape the Internet was at the time. I mean, you even have one of the site's staff talk about how he thinks white pride shouldn't be considered racist (though in the same post, he also considers racial pride to be pointless, but still).


Created a second boss. This one is like the Dark Nut-like enemy, but you have to bomb it once, then it turns yellow, then you can strike it.

The screen goes black in the video because the game crashed due to a segment fault.

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The blue Dark Nut-like enemy can now only be attacked via bombs, finally giving the bombs a practical use.

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So every fall, for whatever reason, I have some random urge to play Chrono Trigger, despite never playing the game before. Maybe it's because I watched ProJared's review during that time years ago. Also, my older brother emulated that game during his teenage years and I remember it being fall at the time. But I decided to play it for the first time and I have some thoughts that I NEVER see anyone talk about.

For one, it's possible to move around when NPCs are talking (outside of cutscenes). I find it jarring and confusing and even then, you still have to press A to advance the dialogue.

The other point I want to bring up is that I find the whole trial part when you are accused of kidnapping the princess absolute bullshit. First off, why should anyone be accused of theft when eating a chicken on a table IN A FESTIVAL? People leave free food on tables during those events. Second, it makes perfect sense to pick up a drop item after someone falls BEFORE checking to see if they're okay, just so the item isn't picked up by someone who could steal it. The whole trial thing is another one of those tests where you are supposed to defy all gamer instincts. It reminds me of that part of CaveStory where you have to ignore Professor Booster after he falls down a pit. At least the prison escape isn't some bullshit stealth mission.

Other than that, I think the game is pretty good so far. As much as I dismiss people's claims that the 16-bit era being a golden age as just nostalgia, maybe they aren't wrong after all.

But Phantasy Star IV is still the best 16-bit RPG. I'm sorry.


Finally added something that I should've added at the start: a debug menu. I don't know why I keep on putting off doing this. Debug menus are so useful, but up until now, I was debugging levels by modifying save files instead.

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It seems like Godot lost funding, after the recent controversy, despite gaining 11 backers.

Just two days from now, the UN will hold the Summit of the Future where there will be talks about turning the organization into an actual one world government to help accelerate their Agenda 2030 Sustainable Development Goals. Yet, ever since this was announced there has been utter silence about this in both the mainstream and most of the alternative media.

However there is still a chance to stop this. While I wouldn't advise putting full faith into it, there is a petition on The Conscious Resistance that you can sign to state your opposition to it.

But I think a better way to approach this is through nullification (American states using their 10th Amendment rights). Louisiana passed a bill a back in April, stating that the UN, WHO, and WEF have no authority over the state. If we can get enough states and maybe even municipalities to nullify the UN, we may have an even better chance. If you don't live in the US, see if your constitution has a similar nullification clause.

Please boost this post and share this with your non-fedi friends. This is something urgent yet most people are silent about it.

Jesus Christ, it's like they actually WANT to kill a bunch of people indiscriminately.

So the recent-(ish) Minecraft movie announcement trailer along with an old chart of freeware indie games got me nostalgic for early Minecraft, and as much as I hate the cultural phenomenon it spawned, it got me thinking: Minecraft was basically an end of an era for indie gaming.

For one, it is the last major indie game to be written in Java. In fact, it's probably what got people to stop writing games in that language because it clearly showed how unoptimized its GC is for video games, especially 3D games. It also represents an era where indie developers still made their games "from scratch" instead of using an engine, and even though there are still developers who write games without engines, I feel like that practice became less prevalent when Unity became really popular.

But what truly makes it feel like an end of an era is that Minecraft was never on Steam, Origin, Desura, GOG, or Itch. It was always officially hosted on their own website which you almost never see anymore, outside of FOSS games. And their old website is a great example on how you can still have a simple, yet professional looking website.

I could go on and talk about how it was pre-culture war and that you can just make games without getting into any id-pol related drama, but I feel like that's pretty obvious. I really wish we could go back to this era.

EU citizens: Please sign this petition to make the EU give us UBI, put heavy regulations on X, fund open-source projects, ban Y.....
EU citizens after the EU rolls out a digital ID:

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