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Nobody is pointing out that the new Catholic church mascot is holding her staff with the devil's hand.


Working on the end text for the game. It's obviously in a rough state right now. I need to implement proper word-wrapping (the current text is wrapped manually), and have it better timed before the credits.

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>Links an interactive flat earth model in an attempt to prove the flat earth
>Author openly claims it's meant to prove how flat-earth mathematically doesn't make sense.


Trap door now has it's own sprite and sound effect for when it closes. The McGuffin sprite is now a mirror. (shout out to @Mr_NutterButter for the idea)

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I've been working on a website for my game studio. The layout was created via ChatGPT (it's really great at generating HTML5 templates without the modern web bloat).

It was hard to write the about page because I didn't want to be unprofessional and bash other studios, but I wanted to make my point across that we will NEVER include any DRM, telemetry, or live service crap in our games.


Added a trap door to prevent the player from escaping the boss fight. It's currently using the regular door sprite as a placeholder. The final sprite won't have a keyhole.

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This is supposed to be a Donkey Kong clone. Yeah, way too complex, but still.

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AI still sucks at writing code. This is supposed to be an Asteroids clone generated by ChatGPT 4. Bullets are shot from the side and there is no collision detection.

I love the fact that both the far-left and the far-right hate The Salvation Army.

I love even after all these years, Nintendo is concerned about accessibility for the left-handed.

I'm still not buying this botnet alarm clock though.

Here is something that you almost never see on the modern, post-culture war Internet. There is this website known as "Terra Earth" which is a fansite for the unofficial Soul Blazer trilogy. On their forum, there is a subforum dedicated to conspiracy theories and debating heated topics. Best parts about it are:
1. All of these threads are contained within this subforum. You don't have to participate if you don't want to.
2. A site dedicated to a hobby has an off-topic forum dedicated to this kind of stuff. You almost never see this on modern Discord servers. People who post these kinds of threads usually get permabanned.
3. There is ZERO ideological bias. Everyone came to these threads with an open-mind and almost nobody had knee-jerk reactions. Everything is fair game. People may insult you, but this was before things like witch-hunts and lolcow drama became mainstream.

This subforum (and the forum as a whole) is nowhere near as active as it used to be (with each subforum getting a new post every few months), but the fact that it's still up shows how different the landscape the Internet was at the time. I mean, you even have one of the site's staff talk about how he thinks white pride shouldn't be considered racist (though in the same post, he also considers racial pride to be pointless, but still).


Created a second boss. This one is like the Dark Nut-like enemy, but you have to bomb it once, then it turns yellow, then you can strike it.

The screen goes black in the video because the game crashed due to a segment fault.

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The blue Dark Nut-like enemy can now only be attacked via bombs, finally giving the bombs a practical use.

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