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I'm probably going to scrap this project and work on something simpler. The whole changing gravity mechanic became way to complex. I only got the idea because @binkle suggested a VVVVVV clone and @ItsSkyDragonz suggested a MegaMan style game. I thought I could combine both, but it just got confusing writing code for both gravitational states.

I though instead I could just make a vertically scrolling platformer, kind of like Kid Icarus, but maybe without the RPG elements.

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Added platforms that you can jump onto from the bottom. Now, I need to implement an inverted version for when the gravity is inverted.

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I've been experimenting with jumping in addition to the changing gravity mechanic. I'm not sure if I'm going to include both though.

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You can now shoot up (or down if gravity is inverted).

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Enemy now shoots when in line of sight of the player.

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Created the first enemy. It currently does nothing, but you can kill it.

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So, the game is basically done. I could add more levels and stuff, but I'm burnt out and want to move on. It's playable from start to finish and that's all what matters. It also isn't as polished as the last game, but that's because I've switched both languages and frameworks.

Expect a release later today. I just need to create a page for it on my website. It might be for Linux only for the time being because I currently don't have access to a Windows PC and I don't really feel like cross-compiling with MinGW and Wine.

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