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Added a basic HUD. It's just text right now, but I plan on replacing the HP text with an actual health bar.

Right now, I"m suffering from writer's block on enemy design because I can't come up with new enemy ideas. Maybe I should replay Kid Icarus for inspiration, but I don't want this to be a straight up clone of the game. I always try to come up with at least something different.

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Created a new type of enemy. It moves in a sine curve. Though the movement needs some tweaking if it is going to spawn in groups like this.

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Alright, he is a recording with actual sound this time.

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Enemy now changes directions when at the edge of ledges.

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Added HP (which you can't see) and sprite flicker when you get hit. I normally put stats like HP in the title bar before adding a HUD, but that didn't show up in my recording.

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Added the first enemy. It just walks back in forth right now. It doesn't even take or do any damage, at the moment.

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Added platforms that you can jump onto from the bottom, but proper collision detection still needs to be worked on.

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Added platforms. To stand on. There are also platforms offscreen to prevent the character from falling in the "transition zone" between wrapping to the other side of the screen. Something to keep in mind when implementing an actual level format and level editor.

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So, writing a Metal Storm clone is just way to complex for me right now, so I'm working on a vertically scrolling platformer instead (something like Kid Icarus). This is what I got so far. You can disappear from one side and reappear from another.

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Game Liberty Mastodon

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