I would be curious to hear serious counter-arguments/criticism to this:
How Do We Escape the Panopticon?
Let's just ignore the fact that he still won't denounce Operation Warpspeed, which he started. This just sounds like another psyop, and it's not like they can't just pretend that he is in jail.
@wowaname I haven't heard of push-to-talk in years.
@Mr_NutterButter I honestly hope that Astrobot showed that those types of games still have a place outside of indie and Nintendo.
@beardalaxy the funny thing is the Muppets joke segment with probably the most based thing I ever seen in my entire life.
You can tell that they struck a nerve with Keely because he stood there so awkwardly and look like he was about to cry.
But yeah everything this year was pretty mid like nothing outstanding or groundbreaking for a genre just simply just averagely good in comparison to everything else.
The US should stop persecuting privacy projects and protect devs from state attack. Code is speech.
In Tornado's case, they abused the law to go after devs. It's corrupt.