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xianc78 boosted

@mangeurdenuage how do you store optical discs? i figure these wallets where the discs are stored in contact with other plastic are shit. jewelcases feel like the best option, but they need so much space :/

xianc78 boosted

3D printed ammo, compatible with .38 SPL, but is on par with .22LR in performance. A key idea is to use a sabot that engages rifling for accuracy.

Someone showed me the ad for Scotland's new(-ish) anti-hate speech law.

Can someone please tell me of a single disabled person who actively gets harassed and bullied by grown adults? Maybe the mentally disabled, but that's only because they make fools out of themselves. This commercial makes zero sense.

@prettygood @gray @a7 Become a Hoppean and live in a covenant community where stoners are physically removed.

xianc78 boosted

@BigDawg869789 I actually haven't tried one myself. It's only what I've heard. They don't put DRM in their printers unlike HP. I could be wrong though.

@Jdogg247 That image always makes me nostalgic for road trips as a kid.

xianc78 boosted
The photo every Shmohawk uses to jerk off on how great Europe or some random shithole is…
xianc78 boosted
xianc78 boosted
:blobcatsuit: we're not planning on killing everyone, we're just going to shut off the nitrogen shipments and when everyone starves to death from the inability to grow enough food it'll just be apropos of nothing

xianc78 boosted
xianc78 boosted
xianc78 boosted
xianc78 boosted
xianc78 boosted

@Tadano I wish I was aware of FerretDB earlier. I hate having to deal with nested SQL queries.

xianc78 boosted
Kinda wondering how easily one could fuck around and replace MongoDB + Redis with FerretDB + Valkey/Redict
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Game Liberty Mastodon

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