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xianc78 boosted
Holy shit he's such a fucking sperg that he made hachi break character :kekw:


Added land mines. I plan on having these as a power up. No explosion animation, yet.

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xianc78 boosted
xianc78 boosted
xianc78 boosted
xianc78 boosted
xianc78 boosted
xianc78 boosted
And I thought it couldn't get any more nonsensticle...
Yea sure, it's TOTALLY not the fault of your own mismanagement of the economy and monthly mass layoffs at big tech, it's TOTALLY the fault of "crazy conspiracy nutcases"...

Pathological liars blame spoilers, politically incorrect websites, for Silicon Valley Bank panic
xianc78 boosted

I thought bedbugs were bad, but now I discovered something worse: botflies. Their maggots actually eat living flesh and bury themselves underneath the skin of mammals, including humans. They start off as microscopic eggs but can grow up to an inch.

There common in Central and South America. I would suggest avoiding those places unless you wear a bunch of insect repellent.

xianc78 boosted
These fucks need to be beaten with a bag of hammers on live tv for the Bullshit they pulled during rona they should be boiled alive for suggesting this authoritarian horseshit…
xianc78 boosted


Spiked Car now shoots spikes when in line of sight of the player.

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xianc78 boosted
What group has more brain rot:
xianc78 boosted
xianc78 boosted

Localization of Japanese games has always been an issue. Western studios all the way back to the NES days have taken Japanese games and changed them in some way to try to appeal to the western audience more. Back then it was just trying to remove stuff like sex/nudity, since video games were seen as things made for children. Now, even things in M rated games are being censored, changed, removed, etc. It's not just the censorship, it's how often localizers actually just change things because they think it's better. It never is.

xianc78 boosted
The one thing the internet trans community fails to understand is that the #1 reason they're hated by nerds isn't because they literally exist, it's because they walked into every single community or converted members, turned them into single topic people, and then had them replace any interest with the cause.

Case in point; the example someone else made about how some autist obsessed with something like preserving old betamax tapes of anime or something like that will decide they're trans and suddenly drop old interests to focus on being a "trans gurl uwu". This doesn't always happen, but even in those cases it's not uncommon for them to turn into single issue voters politically and mentally.
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xianc78 boosted
Imagine your group is responsible for censoring everything and rewriting it to fit a political agenda and you wonder why people mock you, and you still don't get it.

It replaced "retard" and "fag" because now, there is a specific group that is in fact causing damage to everything, and if you say anything about it haha you get fired and get unemployable (but if you join it you can get a slick Google job).
xianc78 boosted
Oh yeah about the supply issue thing, there's an elephant in the room as well or two.

Sony used liquid metal for cooling. MS did not and just made the Xbox Series X larger (because we know that they learned their lesson with the 3fixme). This is leading to a real issue with dry spots on the APU:
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