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xianc78 boosted

Today in I fucking hate internet 

> If you ignore the ability to play in handheld mode, Nintendo Switch is almost without exception the worst system to play multiplatform games on.

xianc78 boosted

I doodled anudda Bday card! :blobaww: I went with a sorta parakeet & sorta humingbirb :cattired: turning into something big, too much detail required, so I had to cut it off here. I went with this kind of card from my scrapbook pages (gilded purple roses or whatever you wanna call it).


This is probably the most promising invention yet! The Rodin Coil has the potential to be a free energy generator, an end to most if not all disease, and an interstellar drive. All of this is theoretical, but there are people doing independent, open-source research. However, I personally, can't understand any of the mathematics behind it.

xianc78 boosted

One of my favourite types of posts here is people making their first steps - however small - on breaking away from the mainstream to make tech work for their own interests and needs, whether that is:

installing an alternative OS on their phone
trying Linux
switching to LibreOffice
using Firefox
using an ad blocker / PiHole
hosting their own website

and so on.

It may be stuff you, personally, did years ago, but to the person posting their success, it could be a leap.

xianc78 boosted
xianc78 boosted
xianc78 boosted

I dont know who needs to hear this.. but you can actually disagree with someone, have a debate, remain peaceful, and if you still disagree in the end you dont have to actually rage quit and block them. You can.... wait for it.... just disengage and walk away.

Not everyone has to agree with you about everything.

xianc78 boosted
xianc78 boosted
xianc78 boosted
Nintendo needs to create a modern sidescroller Zelda. Zelda in the style of Zelda II *but actually good this time* would be just the right mix of weird and nostalgic to work.
xianc78 boosted

I saw this online somewhere and I just had to recreate it. This is my coding happy place.

xianc78 boosted

man, these guys are awesome! good old, passionate game devs even to this day. we really need more people like this in the game development industry, from the top down.

For those hoping for Texas to secede, I have some bad news:
1. It's probably just another psyop.
2. Even if it wasn't Texas's government is most likely using NSA backdoored computers, smartphones, etc. The US government can still track them and strike them. Do you really think these boomers are going to use Linux?
3. This is the same state government that fired a politician for merely having a Gab account a couple of years back.

xianc78 boosted The liberal assault on the idea of inheritance as a socially contingent accident as opposed to something that's baked into everything we are is a cancerous one. All that we have is inherited from our forebears, including our very selves, both our genetics and the circumstances of our formative years. These things are not random chance, they are a result of the deliberate efforts of those who came before, and we are bound to uphold their legacies, as well as to leave behind our own. Dwelling on the tiny speck of our own individual existence and devaluing the much greater picture we play a small part in is a great way to breed nihilism and depression. It's easy to convince yourself you don't matter, but it's a lot harder to tell yourself your loved ones don't.
xianc78 boosted

CDC , pediatricians and ob/gyns:
the most dangerous people to children in America

xianc78 boosted
It's interesting finding an old phone last used in the middle of 2019, and seeing the last remnants of normie culture before 2020 on it.

Just normies getting smashed and posting their mundane lives. College, beer, hobbies that weren't yet too expensive, etc.

It's interesting to see how fast it can go to shit.
xianc78 boosted
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Game Liberty Mastodon

Mainly gaming/nerd instance for people who value free speech. Everyone is welcome.